1. How The Night Changes

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     Ace and his neighbor Dahlia have lived next door to each other since they were  kids. Dahlia has lived there all her life. Dahlias parents were and still are good friends with the Finnegans. Just enough to know they were thinking about adopting. The Finnegans weren't able to have children and longed for one.

   Right around this time there was news of a crash that had occurred leaving 2 dead and 1 survivor in the hospital with less serious conditions. The survivor was endured to multiple tests and ended up being fine just a bunch of scratches and scrapes. So much so it would mark his body for the rest of his days. A reminder of that fatal day just to the top right of his back, the day he lost it all, his parents.

    He was taken into foster care at just ten. His identity was kept confidential. Up until he was adopted by the Finnegans no one knew it was him in that car. It was rumored that a car had ran them off the road but at his young age he had no memory it all happened so fast.

   After being adopted the only other people who knew of his trauma were the Deacons that lived next door.

   From that day on he was a changed boy. The light that once emmited through his eyes became nothing more than a memory. A darkness has taken its place. The pearly white brightness that shone through his lips became nothing more than a frown.

  Ace is now in highschool, a sophomore. He still often thought about that day, where he would be if it hadn't happened. Otherwise he has everything his younger self dreamt of. Popularity, any girl he wanted, just not the happiness he thought came with it.

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