2. life

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I rolled around in bed trying desperately to cancel out the sound of the alarm. I laid there, pillows cupping both of my ears. But I could still hear it.

My eyes rolled in annoyance as I was forced rolled over and finally turned off the alarm. I swung his legs off the side of the bed and tossed the pillows aside. Before getting up I reached for my phone and stretched as I made his way to the bathroom.

I made it to the sink and began brushing my teeth. I was half asleep and falling over with every stroke. I wanted nothing more than to sleep. As I brushed I placed my phone on the counter.

After a nice hot shower I was fully awake and continued getting dressed slowly. I decided on a pair of jeans and a black button up. I put on my jewelry after and started to fiddle with my hair. There wasn't much styling needed, I just kinda shake my hair and it obeys.

Third person POV

After changing he made his way downstairs and outside. As he did so the girl next door waved at him. He ignored her and began his drive to school. Ace was not a morning person more of a night owl. His parents were always out or asleep these mornings leaving him to fend for himself which he was very used to and capable of doing. They'd supplied him with his own car and a phone. What more does a teenager need. As he drove he took in the smell of the air freshener attached to the vent, it always brought him comfort.

He slowed as he came to a red light. His left hand remained in its place on the wheel while his free hand rested on his leg. He just stared ahead, the sun beamed on his dark blue eyes and illuminated the insides of his car. After what seemed like forever the light finally turned green and he was back in pursuit.

After a few minutes and a few turns he arrived at school. His hand slide with ease over the wheel as he parked. He always parked near the middle back of the parking lot. Anything to pass more time.

First person POV

I took a deep breath as I mentally prepared myself for another torturous day of school. I made my way towards the school. Kids crowded the stairwell just conversing with one another. I approached the stairs and went in. I made it to my locker and opened it. As I stood near my locker someone approached the one to my right. I could only assume it was Liv. I closed my locker and leaned on it. "Hey." I smiled with a brief glimpse of my teeth.

"Hey. So I was thinking maybe later we go out?" Liv said with an iffy look.

"Depends what you have in mind." An intrigued look appeared as I folded my arms.

"There's this new amusement park opening up. I heard there's also a restaurant deal too. " She look up at me with pleading eyes.

I took a deep breath. ". Yeah fine."

Liv is my best friend, my only friend. She knows everything about me, more than others. I forget how we've come so close. We just get along well. She doesn't take my bullshit AT ALL. I'm honestly proud of her and myself for making it this far.

Third person POV

Liv closed her locker and ran over as Ace started walking away. As she approached he placed his arm around her. They continued talking as they walked on their way to English. From afar it looked as if they were a couple. He towered over her, he held her firmly, they tolerated each other. Not to mention they looked good together. They both had dark black hair, one has blue eyes the other had green, they both dressed in dark clothing. His handsome features with her beautiful image.

As they walked into English, they separated. Liv sat father up from bit still in view of Ace in his seat at the back. Throughout class they made faces at each other and hand motions as well as passed notes.

"Mr Finnegan. Would you like to answer that?" Mrs. Darrow questioned.

Of course he hadn't heard the question nor bothered to listen to what she was talking about ever. He ruffled his hair and took a breath. Ace was actually really intelligent but school still drained him. The teaching methods bored him.

"Or were you not listening to that either?" She spoke again.

A voice spoke up quietly behind him. "She wants you to recite a line from the book and it should be meaningful."

The line he favored the most came to mind. "He finally felt it. The feeling that made most people crazy, love and it was doing just the same to him."

"Thank you Mr. Finnegan."

He turned around to see who the voice had been. He immediately made eye contact with Dahlia who seemed to be already looking at him. He nodded his head and she gave a slight smile back.

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