Happily Ever After

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✨3rd Person POV✨

Rushing outside the castle, Asha and (Y/n) looked for Sakina in hopes she received her wish. The woman held her chest happily with Sabino. "Oh, my beautiful wish." Asha laughed in disbelief and ran towards her mother. "Mama, you got your wish back." She hugged her mother tightly, pulling the princess and the rest of their friends joined in. 

(Y/n) took the starboy's hand and pulled him into the hug too.

 "I'm so happy for you!" Hal shouted.

At the sound of footsteps, everyone looked over at a sad and tired Simon. Everyone grew cautious of the boy as (Y/n) could only frown. Aster stood beside the girl and crossed his arms to seem tough. Valentino angrily bleated.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Aster questioned.

"Asha...(Y/n). I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me." Simon sighed. "I was just so scared I'd have to live without..." He gestured to himself. "All of me." He inhaled shakily as the princess and wishmaker frowned. "And I wanted so badly to believe in him."

"So did I," Amaya stated, standing behind the princess.

"We all did." (Y/n) sighed.

The royals shared a look and embraced each other, happy they were both alright. "You did a very brave thing, my dear," Amaya told her daughter. "Thanks, Mama." The princess softly smiled at her mother.

The sound of knocking caught everyone's attention. "Hello?" The Queen cautiously approached. "This is your King." Magnifico noticed his wife hovering. "Oh, Amaya, thank goodness!" He suddenly pouted. "Do you see what they've done to me?"

(Y/n) stood beside her mother. "Hmm. Well, you do love mirrors." The mother and daughter shared a small laugh. The King banged his fists against the glass. "That is not funny. Get me out of here at once."

"No," Amaya stated.

Running his hands down the glass, the King frowned in panic. "What?" He grew angrier. "After everything I've done for you, for Rosas, this is the thanks I get?" Amaya picked up the object. "This is the thanks you deserve."

She turned towards a guard and handed the king over. "Hang it on the wall...in the dungeon."

The king could be heard panicking. "Please, no! The dungeon smells really bad!"

The crowd cheered as (Y/n) gave her mother a bone-crushing hug. "Long live the Queen!" Dahlia chanted, the crowd joining in. Aster spun around the royals, sprinkling dust on their crowns.


During the daytime, Asha and (Y/n) ran through the courtyard towards the Queen with a woman in tow. "Mama, I found her!" (Y/n) caught the woman's attention.

"Your Majesty." The redhead curtsied. 

"I hear you long to fly." The Queen told the woman. She gestured over to a redheaded boy beside her with a green outfit and a red feather on his green hat. "Well, Peter here wants to build a flying machine." 

The boy waved. "Hi!"

"You two should work together." The three slowly walked away. "Let me know how I can help."

Asha and (Y/n) high-fived each other for their achievement. Aster's bell-like sound was heard as he flew over to the (h/c). "Princess," he stated, bowing dramatically as he presented a slightly broken flower with gold specks all over it. 

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