I Make This Wish

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✨3rd Person POV✨

That night, (Y/n) couldn't stop her relentless worrying for her friend. She stared out of her balcony, looking at the bright stars in the sky. She loved to stare out every night, but she couldn't brush off her worries tonight. What happened in her father's study that made her friend so shell-shocked? She couldn't sit around and find out. She quickly left her balcony and snuck out of the castle, making her way towards Asha's small home, the stars feeling extra bright behind her.

Treading through the darkness of the forest, the (h/c) could see the house in the distance and smiled in triumph, walking towards the door. As she lifted a hand towards the door, it swung open and Asha's tear-stained face was in view. (Y/n) quickly grew concerned but before she could get any words out, the teen grabbed the princess by the hand and dragged her along. "Asha, what are you doing?" The two ran through the dark forest aimlessly, the sound of grass crunching and the cries of the tan girl being heard. Running into a tree trunk, (Y/n) grabbed Asha by the shoulders and wiped her best friend's tears. "Asha, what's wrong?"

The girl sniffled before looking into the princess's eyes. "The wishes... he doesn't want to grant any of them!" The (h/c) furrowed her brows. "What?"

"He finds them too dangerous and wants to just keep them. It's wrong." The princess's downfall look was pushed aside. "It'll be okay. We will fix this. We will find a way to help those wishes, I swear." 

She put up her pinky and the tan girl slowly looked at the (h/c)'s hopeful eyes. She quirked up a small smile and interlinked pinkies before looking back at the ground.

"...Isn't truth supposed to set you free?" Asha sang. "Well, why do I feel so weighed down by it?" She slowly stood up and walked with (Y/n). "If I could show them everything I've seen, open their eyes to all the lies... then would they change their minds like I did?

"But when I speak, they tell me, 'sit down' but how can I when I've already started running?" The two slowly walked over a small bridge, Valentino quietly following behind. (Y/n) rested a hand on the brunette's shoulder and pointed at the stars. "So I look up at the stars to guide me and throw caution to every warning sign. If knowing what it could be is what drives me then let me be the first to stand in line."

"So I make this wish..." They softly harmonized. 

"To have something more for us than this..."

"So I make this wish.." (Y/n) sighed, watching the citizens around her doing chores, but imagining them with their wish, one flying, another driving a boat, or being a knight. "To have something more for us than this.

The birds around her suddenly flew into the sky as a flock, diving around before separating.

The duo sat at a fountain and dipped their hands in the water. "I never knew I needed room to grow." Asha sang. "Yeah, I did what I was told when someone told me, 'No'" (Y/n) agreed.

They looked at a mural of the King, sadly staring at it. "Now I've got all of this freedom in my bones, But I've still got the lid on so it doesn't overflow." They walked away together, Valentino quickly sticking his tongue out at the picture before walking with them.

The brunette and (h/c) ran up a staircase to a better view of the sky. 

"'cause I've got reservations and hesitations on where I should even begin I'm past dipping my toes in but I'm not, no, I'm not past diving in If I could just be pointed in any given direction on where to go and what to do"

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