Chapter 216. Sarah's Testing And Mary's Answers

Start from the beginning

" Well... I mean, sorry, I guess?"

" Oh, there's no need to be sorry, Young Lord."

" Mary!"

Charlotte yelled at Mary as she embraced My Love in a hug. But since she was the height of a Demon, My Love's head was planted firmly into Mary's large cleavage. Perhaps it's fitting for a bovine monster to have a massive chest for milk production. But as a side effect, it allows for the seduction of men. That combined with her natural motherly affections towards others can cause issues. We'll have to work on that as Mary stays with us until she has a home to use that's close to the ranch.

" Oh, sorry Little Charlotte, I can't help it. I mean, it's the Young Lord. Here."

Mary began to hug Charlotte now; I noticed that John did seem a bit disappointed that the hug ended.

" We'll have him punished accordingly."

I heard Anna's thoughts as she looked at me. For how long we spent discussing things with Mary, you'd think we'd have more answers for John. The only thing is that the major thing that we debated during these past 3 hours was what exactly Mary wanted to do. In her own words, she seeks to serve John. What that means seems to be 3-fold. The 1st being that she wants to serve him as she has been, producing milk along with her fellow cattle. The 2nd seems to be acting as a mother-like figure to him. The 3rd is my own guess, but since I've been correct every time I thought this about another woman I'd assume I'm right in saying that she likes John. It would make sense considering that he took her, her children and her pack mates and brought them to a safe place where every want is taken care of, and she can even safely level up and evolve. It'd be stranger if the whole herd didn't have similar feelings to her. The only issue is that she seems to not understand her feelings... Or she's confusing them with motherly affection. Either way, it'll be something to keep an eye on.

" Now then where were we?"

Mary let Charlotte go and returned to conversation with Mary. More or less, she went over about the housing situation and how Anna and I put in plans for her home to be made ready as soon as possible.

" So, with that, it's also been decided that I would work as the head of the herd. I'd even be given an office and a desk!"

" Can you read and write?"

" Not yet, but Little Anna taught me a few letters already, I should have no issue by the time you come back from that place called Zana. Or at least, that's what Little Emily said."

We were all shocked at Mary's ability to learn. From simple math to reading and writing she absorbed everything like a sponge.

" Is that true, Emily?"

My Love asked Emily and she nodded in return.

" That's amazing, Mary. So, you'll be staying with us for a while and working on the ranch during the day I take it?"

" Yes, Young Lord. And I can also give you fresh milk whenever you want!"

" Thanks, Mary. Why don't we all have dinner? Mary, what do you like to eat?"

" Well, ever since my evolution, I've noticed that I'm craving meat recently. Before my main cravings were grass and vegetables, but now... Well, it's a bit confusing If I'm being honest."

" That's fine, lets figure out what you like together, Mary."

Mary began to pet John on his head.

" Thank you, Young Lord."

" Sure thing."

John smiled and all of the girls stared at him. Seems that Ruby and Emily have grown a greater appreciation for his smile. Charlotte seems to be smitten with it. This might be the first time she's seen it.

" Sarah, look at Mary's face."

I listen to Anna's suggestion, and I see all the proof I need that I'm correct about Mary being in love with John. While some might argue her actions are like a mother, the face she's making right now is that of a woman in love. The circle of candidates for John to marry has grown very wide. from Cyn, Asha and Sharon, to now Ruby, Emily, Charlotte and now Mary. Calling John sinful seems to be selling it short. Regardless, as long as I'm by his side, I'll make sure that we'll always be happy.

" Well, with that, lets head for dinner, My Love."

" Oh, Sarah, I wonder if Jim will have enough food for us all?"

" It should be fine; Anna and I sent a message earlier to him."

" Oh, that's good."

I attached myself to My Love's arm. Seeing as I'm his wife, it's only fitting that I return to my preferred spot. Anna joined me right after. John smiled at us as we took his arms for our own. Again, I noticed a look on Mary's face that seemed out of the ordinary, she seemed to feel pangs of jealousy right now. It's a shame that we have so much work to do before we leave for Zana. It might be fun to slowly tease Mary until she notices her feelings. Perhaps I'll see if Ruby and Anna will help her see her feelings for what they truly are while we're in Zana? I think that would work out the best. 

" Sarah, why are you smiling?"

John asked a simple question.

" Well, I haven't seen you all day, Anna and I both missed you. So, it's just nice to return to my favorite spot."

John kissed both of our cheeks and then Anna and I led him to the dining room, followed by the rest of the girls. Their jealous faces were a sight to behold as I took little peaks to my side as I looked at John's face as we walked. Regardless of the future, Anna and I both know as long as we're with this man, everything will be okay. And I'm sure the girls will realize that same fact in time.

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