"How long did it take for mum to forgive you?" he asked quietly.

Lennox frowned, "It took months, but I was willingly to do everything for her to forgive me. Finally she forgave me, we fell in love and to this day I still make sure she knows how sorry I was for my past mistakes" he said patting his son on the back, "It might take a long time Matthew but be there for her when she wakes up and if she needs time then give it to her" he said softly and hated to see the look on his sons face knowing he was worried for her.

Matthew was by himself again, it had been a couple of hours and there was still no update on how Eleanor was doing. Victoria had been here earlier but he could see the stress and knew it wasn't good for her and told her she should go and rest and that if there was any news he would come and get her immediately.

Finally the doctor came out of the doors what felt like many more hours, there was a grim look on his face which instantly filled Matthew with dread. "Is she okay?" he asked quickly standing up as the doctor stood in front of him.

"The wounds are severe but her wolf will be able to heal both of them by tomorrow. She's woken up but I'm afraid I have to warn you that she doesn't remember a thing. I don't just mean about the attack, I mean about everything" he said feeling sorry for his alpha who looked as if he was going to burst into tears.

"She doesn't remember anything?" he asked.

The pack doctor shoke his head, "I'm afraid not, it could take weeks, months or years for her memory to come back but it will come back eventually. You can go in and see her if you want" he said smiling very slightly as he walked away leaving Matthew by himself in the hallway.

Eleanor was suffering with amnesia.

Matthew stood there for a few processing what the doctor had just told him before he walked towards the door, pushing it open to see Eleanor look up as he walked in the room and towards her. There was a look of surprise and confusion as she continued to stare at him. "Who are you?" she asked softly and he wanted to burst into tears.

Matthew let out a sigh, "I am Matthew Knight, I am alpha of the pack" he said softly as he sat down on the chair next to her bed.

"The doctor said that my name is Eleanor Tate?" she said as if she wasn't sure.

Matthew nodded, "Yes that's your name. Eleanor, do you remember anything?" he questioned.

She just shoke her head in response, her head hurting at trying to think of something, anything.

"Hey don't strain yourself" he softly said grabbing hold of her hand and Eleanor gasped in shock at the sparks tingling throughout her body from just one touch.


"Mate?" she whispered, Matthew smiled back at her nodding his head.

"Yes, we're mates" he confirmed smiling a little.

He knew at some point she would remember exactly how he treated her and he didn't want to keep any secrets from her, "Eleanor..." he trailed off.

"Eleanor yes I'm your mate, but I want you to know I've done a lot of bad things since we first found out we we're mates when you turned eighteen. I wasn't ready for a mate at the time so I rejected you" seeing the pained look on her face made him regret saying this to her but he didn't want to lie to her about their situation.

"But" he said quickly hating to see the pained look on her face at hearing him say those words.

"That was the biggest mistake I have ever made to reject you five years ago, the pain you had to go through not just by me but the rest of the pack" he said his head down in shame, it was silent for a few seconds until he felt her hand on his hair, he looked up slightly and in her eyes.

Alpha's Mate: The Pack Servant [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now