"No!" The girls shouted.

Magnifico laughed evilly as he stood over the girls. 

"It doesn't matter. You're too late." Asha smirked.

"Asha... (Y/n)... Magnifico's never too late." The king suddenly transformed into Simon. 

(Y/n) gasped in surprise. "Simon?..."

She looked at Aster's glowing figure in the sky. "Aster..."

The princess stood up and rushed towards the large boy to knock him down, but he didn't budge. "You really think you can take me?" As he laughed, a large bear knocked the boy down the cliff. 

Asha stood beside the girl as they watched Simon scream. "Thanks, John!" Asha waved, running towards the castle with (Y/n). "Anytime, girls!"

As Simon continued to scream, the girls jumped onto the horse and took off back to the kingdom in hopes of making it on time.

A green hand-shaped mist captured all the wishes, including Aster, and dragged them back into the castle. "Aster! We have to hurry!" (Y/n) told Asha with fear in her tone.

The king killed off all the wishes and dragged them to the ground, using his staff to contain a pained Aster.

Galloping through the courtyard, Asha and (Y/n) jumped off the horse. "Aster, get away from there!" The princess shouted with concern. 

Magnifico only smirked and strengthened his magic around the starboy. "No!" The two yelled, running through the crowd. The king cast a rope of magic toward the girls and pulled them to the roof.

"Asha!" Dahlia shouted with concern. 

"(Y/n)!" Amaya cried.

In a tight hold, the girls were face to face with Magnifico. "Well, hello, Asha. (Y/n). So glad you could join us." He smirked. "How's the whole 'taking your wish into your own hands' working out for you?" He laughed. "Oh wait!" He tossed the two across the floor. "I don't actually care." 

She dragged Aster's containment to the ground. "Hello there." He smirked at the starboy's glare. "Let's do this." He lifted the boy into the air evilly. "Aster!" (Y/n)'s voice cracked in despair at his pain. 

Magnifico used his staff to slowly suck Aster's body into the object. "No!" The girls screamed.

A powerful burst of magic was cast across the kingdom. "Yes!" Magnifico cackled.

(Y/n) had tears running down her face at the realization that she had failed. She had failed to protect and help Aster.

All the windows turned into mirrors with the King's evil face. "Mirrors, mirrors on the wall, who is the handsomest king of all? Me!" He laughed. "I win." He sighed in delight. "Wishes really do come true." 

With a glare of hatred in her eyes, (Y/n) lept up and grabbed the staff from the King, trying to get it out of his grasp. "You don't deserve Aster!" She shouted.

"I told you, I decide, child!" He pushed her away and lifted her with his magic, throwing her to the ground. Asha jumped at the king but he was two steps ahead of her, wacking the girl with his staff and throwing her beside the princess.

"There will be no wishing on stars ever again!" Green smoke twirled around the castle, the citizens all gasping in fear. "In fact, there will be no more hope, no more dreams, and no escape." His glowing green eyes bore into the duo's fearful ones. He slammed his staff into the ground and a green vine-like mist crawled along the ground, tying all of Rosas in one spot.

"No chance to rise up. No one to tell any tales. No one to challenge me ever again!" 

He smiled evilly at (Y/n) and Asha. "You... are... nothing!" He cast a wave onto them, pushing the girls towards the edge of the roof, giving them a better view of what was happening to the people of Rosas. 

Asha and (Y/n) slowly looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

"We... are... stars."

(Y/n) sucked in a small and shaky breath as she looked over at her friends and Mama. "So, I look out at the stars just like me..." She quietly sobbed as she thought about the starboy who was now gone. "And I'm begging you to see this as a sign-

Magnifico walked over to the girls and grabbed them with his powers, the green light starting to squeeze them painfully. "You really need to learn to give up." The king sneered. 

Asha grunted and looked at all their friends. "'Cause I know that if you choose to stand beside us..." The girls were hit with another powerful wave of magic and lifted into the air. 

"We'll be greater than all his magic combined!" Dahlia sang, surprising the king. "So, I make this wish!" Magnifico frowned and dropped the wishmakers, stomping towards the edge of the roof.


A blast of magic was directed towards Dahlia but the Queen pulled the girl out of the way. Amaya grunted and glared at her husband. "So, I make this wish!

"So, I make this wish.." The group sang, avoiding another blast of magic.

"To have something more for us than this!"

Magnifico shouted in anger and knocked down all the citizens of Rosas to the ground. 

"We've had generations of expectations wondering why and wondering when!" Sabino and Sakina sang.

Multiple people slowly joined in as a glow emitted in their chests. 

"We're past dipping our toes in we know it's do or die, it's sink or swim."

"We were all confusing your promises for protection but we know what we've got to do!"

The King's staff started to glow a yellow light and twitch. 

"Hope unchanging with our wish held high the way you've always taught us to!"

The staff started to move more wildly as sparks flew out of the diamond. "No! Stop!" Magnifico shouted.

A power mist was cast across the kingdom, but the people never stopped.

"So, I look out at the stars just like me and throw caution to every warning sign!"

The girls looked at the crowd with hope. They slowly stood up and had a determined look on their faces. "What we do in this moment is defining. And we can take it on if we align." The same glow emitted from their chests.

"So, I make this wish!" Asha and (Y/n) harmonized.

"To have something more for us than this!"

All the wishes on the ground were coming back to life and Sakina's wish floated out of Magnifico's grasp. "Those are my wishes!"

"So, I make this wish!" Asha and (Y/n) turned around to look at the King. "To have something more for us than this!" Aster suddenly flew out of the staff and into the air, bringing all the wishes with him.

Magnifico's staff used its hands to grab the King and drag him inside the diamond where Aster once was. 

The starboy magically made all the evil clouds and vines disappear and broke all the wishes, causing a downpour of magic. The duo stared at the magic in awe. 

He noticed the princess and flew towards her, spinning her around in a hug which she eagerly returned. "You're okay!" The girl happily cried. "Of course I am." He tapped her nose and faced the crowd, watching all the citizens receive their wish.

✨I Make This Wish✨ Human! Star X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora