The troll-goon is set to spit again. I try to rush and hit it a couple of punches and kicks. However it looks like it's immune to what I do to it.

As I try to swing my blade at it, the goon pushes me back with its hard fist. It felt like a boulder shattering my chest. The force knocks me back a little, yet I haven't let go of my blade. Amazing it's still in my hands after that hit. But before I can catch a breather or get up, the troll-goon is already coming towards me. Its mouth drops down, showing the nasty teeth and drool. And then it seems like it's about to fire another set of fiery spitballs. I try to defend against it. I push the blade in front of me, acting like a shield. However, something small flew past me and lands straight at the troll's belly. What I see next is the troll beast blown up.

I look stunned as Silas rushes over leaning his hand out for me to touch. I reach to him. He pulls me back up to my feet. I thank him as we both nod at each other and fist bump. We both smile. Silas then tries to talk to me, yet a couple of bygors appear out of nowhere. They start pursuing us. However, Silas leans out his right hand. Two large rocks are suddenly thrown right at the beasts. They both get hit and fall to the ground.

"I'll distract them." He says.

Silas gives me a chance to run as he handles the bygors. I would be afraid for him defeating two by himself. Yet he's a mage. He can handle them. I just hope the others see him shine.

A half-mile away I notice a bunch of Acolytes coming. I hold tight on the blade, ready to throw. Yet then out of the blue, an animal jumps into the scene. His silver and black coat. His ice blue eyes.


Addie starts barking at the daemonic-covered freaks. He then starts running at them continuing to bark. And as he leaps forward, he suddenly morphs into his human form. In mid-air, he appears to be taking out a bone makeshift fist gun. He fires a lot of sharp-edged discs—probably made of bone. That same musty, yellowish-white tint. Each disc hits on its target. Those unlucky Acolytes. Each one collapsing on the ground dead, cracking in a grayish shell.

I look proud seeing Addie here. He told me he would have other skills. I didn't know he's a good shooter albeit great. My eyes then pivot back a few miles away across the ruins to see Camille using her thorn-laced whip, smacking a lot of Acolytes and several wraiths. Icarus is not that far away from her, using his axe. He keeps using a lot of elemental power as he handles the other troll beast and a few more wraiths. Already finished defeating the bygors, Silas is fending off against other Acolytes. And then as Addie smirks at me, he does his thing and joins the others in the fight.

Yet I stare perplexed, where's Terra. I don't even see her battling alongside her sister. I survey around, and that cold feeling I felt when I was in the Acolytes' nest months ago. I then shift my focus up, and there's a dark cloud forming around a lonely column. I then pause, looking back down a group of more malefics—more Acolytes and horn-covered beasts—are about to come.

As the others are preoccupied and don't even notice the second brigade, I decide to rush close to the middle. As the group of malefics still coming, I stand in defense. My hand holds firmly on the curved handle of the blade. I believe in the blade as I suddenly begin to feel the Triadic. It's close. It's somewhere around. But as I hear the other malefics roaring and shouting, I decide to believe in the blade. I then throw it; the blade spins furiously. It trails a golden-band of light. Shimmering bright, it flies through the bunch. Most of them collapse and perish while it diminishes the brigade to at least seven remaining.

The blade like a boomerang flies back to my hand. I extend it out as I grab hold of it. I then hear gasps from behind me. I turn to see the guys a bit shock and impressed of what the blade can deliver. I smile as they finally take notice of the power. The bond with the Triadic is something else. And then I veer to my right. Terra suddenly appears.

The Raver (The Raver #1)Where stories live. Discover now