(Part 13) His Arrival

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The figure stood above Lucinda. She saw him savoring the smell of her blood. Assured of her death, she lay motionless. He tasted the blood that trickled down her hand with his tongue. She saw his eyes that had been lusting after human blood for so long were happy with excitement. He made a cut on her neck with his claw. He stared into her hopeless eyes. Suddenly  her eyes turned blue. That color fell into his eyes as a very strong light. He was thrown backwards by the intensity of the light. She got up from the ground. The light slowly stopped. The figure's claws began to shorten as it fell to the ground. It made it look like a human. His eyes turned brown. His face looked like a very handsome young man. He sat in a corner of the room. She stood there not understanding what was happening here. Lucinda slowly walked towards him. He slowly lowered his face. She caressed his hair without any fear. who are you? what is your name? she asked. He slowly raised his head and looked at her. His face impressed her. She felt an overwhelming joy. She remembered why she was so happy in such a frightening situation. His face created an attraction in her. She saw him as a miracle. She unconsciously smiled at him. Her smiling face gave him hope. I.... Who am I? he asked. She held him and lifted him up slowly. she tried to led out him of the room. She opened the yellow door. As she tried to get out, her great grandmother's spirit suddenly appeared again. .“Lucinda….what are you going to do….lock him in that room…..don't let him out…..you're doing a big mistake….if you do this,it will be a curse for the rest of your life You will feel the result of it. Grandma said. Grandma what are you saying, this is a man. I want to save him. Grandma I will let him out of this place,she said. Lucinda..., what's up with you..., that he's a man? He is a vampire.did you you understand that? said the grandmother. Give me some water.... he said weakly. Come on..., let's get out of here first... She went out of the room defying her grandmother's words. Grandmother's spirit could only watch it helplessly…., she said, Lucinda…., you decided your own fate today. This day is just the beginning of the darkest days of your life. Voices of fear will fill your ears in the coming days. This is what you have accepted yourself. Saying this, the grandmother disappeared from there.

Hearing her grandmother's words, she felt as if she had done something wrong. No, I don't think this is wrong, she said in her mind. She searched for some water. Suddenly he grabbed her hand. Slowly looked at her face. Then he said, you know I'm a vampire, why are you trying to help me? I will wake up again from this momentary lull. Then I can't control myself. So, just get out from here.... what happened to you? Are you the monster of the stories those villagers and my grandmother told me? she asked. Yes, that's me. He replied. She could see his eyes welling up. She went to him to comfort him. She didn't know that his nails were getting bigger in the meantime. She slowly raised his sad face. By that time his eyes had turned red. His thirst came with it. She slowly walked back. You...you are a normal human being. You are not evil. She kept telling him. He said to Lucinda..., run away...,
I can't control myself. Thank you for talking to me without fear, now you go….. She felt very sad at his condition. Suddenly the grandmother's spirit appeared there again. Lucinda....everything you do is wrong. He is not a man. Don't try to see him as a human being. The man in him is dead….. just understand that…..get out of here…..go to your mother and grandmother…..use your magical power and bind him beyond that yellow door. Grandma said. I know he is not a man. But there is some good left in him. I'm going to try to save him with my magic. she said. Lucinda .. what mistake are you going to make? You cannot control your power. Right now your body can't handle it and it hurts. If you use your power again, it will cause your death. Grandma said. After thinking for a moment, she said, Grandma, I can only be at peace if my skills are used for everyone...,so I will try. Saying this, she raised her hand forward and let the intense blue light shine into his eyes. In a few seconds she understood the meaning of what her grandmother said. She couldn't control the light. She started getting tired. As the light of power in Lucinda began to fades away from his eyes, he took on a monstrous form.she exhausted. she could not face him. Suddenly the grandmother's spirit called out to her, Lucinda...., get up...., now lock him up in that room...., Lucinda stood up like a loser. Again she used her power. He was pushed into the room by its intensity. That door closed. By then she was very tired. She asked her grandmother, I had to save him..., but I couldn't. So these skills seem burdensome to me. Take these back.... You don't have to worry, today you have repeated the same mistake I once made when I sympathized with his helplessness. That day I gave my life and bound him here. Still I am bound him here. He will never be able to pass this palace. And no one will ever be able to save him. Accept this truth. The form of him you saw here is in a weakened state under the spell of my spells. But if he gets human blood again, he will get his old powers back. So don't try to set him free. End it all here. Return from here. Grandma said. After hearing everything she started walking back. Lucinda..., open.... save me.... His pitiful voice hurt her ears. She made up her mind that day. I will definitely be back to save him. She walked back outside the palace. She looked back once more. Her grandmother's spirit sent her away. She felt sad for her grandmother who was stuck there as a soul, giving her life for the good of this village. His pitiful countenance, branded cruel  for no reason other than his own, caused pain in her. Darkness slowly filled her eyes. Eyes slowly closed. Sleep overcame her, concealing these realities like a dream. She lay like a withered flower at in front of that palace door.

Saying this, the book closed by itself. Lucinda's eyes were brimming. She was tied to one page of the story of her own life.

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