(Part 8) The New Arrival

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She lay unconscious in the middle of the forest. The leaves covered her like a blanket. Lucinda slowly opened her eyes. She stand up slowly. She threw away the leaves covering her. She was extremely thirsty and hungry. She doesn't know what was happened to her. If only she had some water... She looked around. Then she saw that someone had placed a bowl of water and another bowl of fruit next to her. How did it get here? She was surprised. She looked around but saw no one. Due to the intensity of her hunger, she ate the fruits without thinking about anything else and also drank that water. When her hunger and thirst subsided, she walked again, a thousand unanswered questions...,what is happening here? Who is following me? She didn't understand anything. But she moved on. She feels someone walking through the leaves,she looks around but can't see anyone. she shouted, "Who are you? Why are you following me? Come in front of me..." But no one responded. She walked forward, her fear gone. Everything she sees around does not seem strange to her now. Perhaps she internalised that fear. She walked and came to a small hill. She could see the palace above that hill, a frightening sight for anyone. She felt no fear. She walked towards it, believing that she could face anything. She started climbing the hill through the winding path.She breath heavily. She noticed that many creatures were trapped in the spiders' magical abilities in the traps they had set. She walked forward, looking at them with some sadness. Not knowing what traps are waiting for her...

After some time she came and stood in front of the palace gate. She raised her head and caught the sight in her eyes. She watched the sun disappear between the trees with fear. She felt like the entire palace was overrun by bats. She stood fearlessly in the blood-smelling atmosphere. A gust of wind blew the leaves on the ground. She pushed open the gate. She entered there determined to face anything. The moment she set her foot on the ground, the bats that were sleeping in the palace took flight. Their flapping of wings was unbearable. They hurted her ears. A huge courtyard and it's middle is that monster house"Black Wings Castle". She remembered how this house, once a place of comfort for the people here, had turned into a place of fear and curse. The entire palace courtyard was decorated with statues. She felt that they were all looking at her now with a frightening expression. She walked past them. When she reached the main door, she was surprised., she has been here once...this is a familiar door to me. She looked at it again and was sure it wasn't the yellow door she'd been dreaming of. Without thinking about anything else, she went up the stairs. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain. Many events flashed through her head. Many faces she was unfamiliar with. She realized that one of them was her father. Those memories caused her great pain. She couldn't bear the pain. Her eyes welled up and the moment it dropped on the steps a very strong wind began to blow. At that moment, the fear that was hidden inside her began to haunt her again. The memories of the 17 years that came back hurt her. At the same time, she was filled with fear. She saw a man walking towards in the swinging gate looking at her. Brushing away the strands of hair that were blocking her vision, she tried to see the figure clearly. Fear gripped her. The figure walked towards her through the garden. To unravel the old riddles...

The Yellow Door Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant