(Part 12) That Red Eyes

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She stood in front of the yellow door. She wondered what would be inside. Lucinda...., open this...., someone calls out to her from beyond that door. Fear filled her eyes. But she looked in through the gap in the door. Those red eyes scared her so much. She felt it staring at her. But she decided to open the door. Suddenly an incomplete figure appeared in front of her. Lucinda…., the figure called out to her. She looked at the figure in fear.it was a woman's figure. The figure began to speak to her. Lucinda..., don't be afraid, your hidden talents will protect you. You must open this door. But you should do it by forgetting the fear that keeps you down. Open up Lucinda…., forget the fear….
The figure said. She asked eagerly, who are you? I am your great grandmother. I made a big mistake.., that mistake brought you here..., the problems that you and our family are facing and the problems that we are going to face are all because of me. Forgive me, I am helpless now, Lucinda..., but I will be here to help you. Won't you help me? they asked. Lucinda was speechless. What did grandma do wrong? I don't understand anything. Tell me clearly..., not my words but your eyes are the truth. Trust only your eyes, beyond this door your ears will deceive you, do not trust them. You go inside... you have no other choice. Saying this, the figure disappeared from there. She did not fully understand what her grandmother was saying. But she decided to open the door. She put her fingers on the doorknob. She tried to open it. But she struggled hard to open it. Suddenly her finger hit the doorknob and got a small cut. It was a door handle rusted by age. So she ignored it and tried to open the door again.
Suddenly the candles started to flicker and disappear. The sound of long sighs rang in her ears. She covered her ears and sat on the ground. Suddenly everything calmed down. She got up slowly. Everything remains the same. She held the door again. But it opened up with that little touch. She slowly opened it. She looked at the room which was full of terrible darkness. She couldn't see anything in the darkness.

She entered slowly. She felt something flying around in the darkness. The fear she had tried to hide inside began to haunt her again. Suddenly the candles in the room lit up. She looked around in the light. The terrifying figure terrified her. It stood before her like a still statue. She walked towards it with fear. She slowly approached the figure because its head looking down so she want to clearly see its face. She lowered her head and looked into its face. Suddenly it opened its eyes. She stepped back, frightened by those red eyes. She ran to the door. But it closed with a loud bang. She tried her best to open it. She couldn't open it. She looked back crying. She was frightened by the extremely terrifying appearance. She didn't even know if it was a human or an animal. The figure slowly walked towards her. She closed her eyes tightly. She knew the figure was approaching her. Unable to bear the fear, she opened her eyes and looked at it, she raised her hands forward and tried to stop it. Suddenly a blue light came out from her hands. It immobilised the figure. She stopped, wondering what was happening to her. She remembered her grandmother's words. Her skills have come to her rescue. She stood up again, believing that I had nothing to fear. Then she  well observed the figure. He is wearing black clothes. His overgrown hair was entwined. It looked like a human but the claws were like animals. The eyes are red in color. The teeth were sharpen and looked like those of bats. She realized with a bit of fear and pain, it was a vampire. This is the same vampire that turned this land into a haunted land. 17-year-old girl was filled with fear of losing her life. She tried to open the door. She pulled hard on it. But again her fingers were injured. Blood started to flow from the wound. She looked back with a little fear. She tried her best to stop the bleeding. She looked carefully at that still figure. She saw the figure's eyes moving. She was trying to control the blood with fear. But suddenly she heard a flapping sound and looked up. The figure flew above her with a howl. .

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