(Part 6) First Step

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Nature was clouded in a most terrifying manner. The bus driver turned and looked. This is the last stop. Aren't you coming down? he asked. It's...isn't it Downham? Lucinda asked. Yes, it's Downham. He said. Is it a long way from here to Pendle hill? she asked. The bus driver was scared. Lucinda could see him sweating with fear. Pendle Hill? Did you come to go there? Is there no other way to die? he asked. Lucinda didn't answer. She got down from the bus. It had started raining. She entered the nearest shop. She raised her face, brushing away the drops of water on her coat. She did not see anyone there. Hello is there anyone here? she asked. Someone peeked from the inner room. came to her. He looked her over. Who are you?Are you new here? he asked. I am a traveller. Is there any facility to stay near here? she asked. Yes, there is only a hostel here. There is no great facility. He pointed to a building on the other side and said. thank you,Lucinda left. The rain is slowly getting stronger. She knew that getting wet in the rain was unbearable for her. So she walked quickly. But suddenly the sound started to hurt her ears. She sat on the ground covering her ears. "You..,come...come to me... Come and open this..." She narrowed her eyes. She reached in front of the yellow door. Someone was knocking hard on that door. She was scared. Lucinda…..come and open…. Someone was calling her from inside. She was at the door. Looking through the gap again she saw those red eyes looking at her through the gap. She screamed in fear. Eyes opened. Unfamiliar people around..., she is in a room. She looked around. who are you where am i ?An old woman came to her. And she said, Lucinda, don't be afraid, you're all right. you are safe "How did you know my name?" asked Lucinda in amazement. Your grandmother wrote a letter telling you about coming here. And we cannot forget you so suddenly, we have not forgotten what happened here five years ago. take rest... we'll talk later. The old woman said. The fatigue of the journey had worn her down. So she fell asleep.

She woke up after some sleep. Slowly she came out of the room. It was raining heavily outside. The old woman came to her. Lucinda Are you tired? she asked. Lucinda shook her head.the old woman smiled and said, I know you don't remember me. My name is Margaret Laurence and I am the oldest person here. Your grandmother and I are friends. It can also be said that it is the friendship that happened because of you. she said. Mrs. Margaret, I don't remember anything. But my goals are the ones that matter most to me. I want to go there. I need your help with that. can you help me? she asked. Lucinda, everyone in this village owes you and your family. Your family's sacrifice is the basis for our existence. The pain you are experiencing now is also because of us. In the letter your grandmother wrote to me, she asked me to help you. But it is our duty to help you. We will do that. We can leave tomorrow. You can think of me as your grandmother. They stopped. Lucinda hugged Margaret . Her eyes welled up. Thank you…she said. I want to go to Pendle Hill. Just help me get there. No one should enter there. I will go there alone. I can't put anyone in danger anymore. Lucinda said. What are you saying? I will not agree to you go alone. If you are leaving here, we will be going together. Only then will I allow you to go there.
After thinking for a while, Lucinda said, I agreed. We have to leave tomorrow. Margaret looked into Lucinda's face and said, "You have fear, but I see more than that, courage that fills you." You have the same courage as the mighty witch in the stories I have heard. No matter what you are going to face, you have to hold on to your confidence. You have to bring out the potential of your family that is filled within you. Try it Lucinda, you can do it. Margaret said.Her words filled Lucinda with confidence. She smiled. She began to feel herself ready to face anything.

They left in the next morning. Forgetting the horrors she was about to face in the intensity of her confidence, she set off on her journey. Looking for that door that was waiting for her…..looking for those scary eyes in it…..After a long walk Margaret finally said, Lucinda we are arrived.she points her finger and said.That view is the entrance to Pendle Hill. "Pendle hill," she read in faint letters on the wild vine overgrown gate. She took her first step into that dark, terrifying, bat-staring, blood-smelling cursed land.

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