Chapter 6

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The truth, it was bitter. The realization, it was terrible. My mind was spinning by the time Asfandyaar had narrated everything to me. He was never interested in marriage because of how heartbroken he was. His past experience had moved him away from the idea of happily ever after. Asfandyaar's father had established his company's office in this city and when he moved here, he needed business deals.

As Baba was almost committed to Uncle's rival company by then, Uncle thought of marriage between the two families to improve their business relations and friendship. As Asfandyaar had initially refused to marry me, Ayan was forced to do so. Ayan could not tell about the girl he loved to his parents because she was their rival's daughter. So Ayan poured his heart out in front of Asfandyaar who had no option but to save his brother from the unwanted marriage. Asfandyaar married me so Ayan could struggle to get his love. Before marriage, he pulled the act of being a dreamy man so I wouldn't refuse.

I did not know what I had done to deserve this forced, loveless marriage. I had no option but to stay quiet as too much was at stake. My parent's happiness, the business deal, Ayan's love. Asfandyaar said he could pretend to be how I wanted him to be, but it was of no use. I didn't want him to pretend when his heart said otherwise. I was in a state of utmost shock and couldn't bring myself to tell Zahra what had happened. She already had a bad experience with this family.

The Walima went well, with both of us keeping up the act of a perfect couple. I knew by now pretending was what Asfandyaar always did. In public, he was all smiles, where as in private his eyes never shone and his lips never curled. He was nothing like that lovely boy who's smile would never waver, who would smile through tears, who would cheer up all around him. In a corner of my heart, I felt bad for him too, but my resentment overtook that feeling.

I decided to go with the flow. I was unsure to even tell Zahra about it. Something in me said that I should be glad that Asfandyaar had told me the truth; I could have been living in the oblivion of a perfect marriage. There were so many wild thoughts in my head and in the end I just pushed them aside. It was a day after the Walima and most of the guests had gone. According to tradition, I was to cook my first meal at my in laws. Aunty guided me through the kitchen, briefly telling where everything was. I was so not ready for this.

"You do know how to cook?" She asked, before she was about to leave.

"Umm, yes a bit."

"Oh, if you need any help, do let me know." Aunty offered.

"No worries, I'll manage." I lied.

Aunty left, leaving me alone. I wasn't even sure what to cook. Maybe, I should have taken help. I stared around the lavish kitchen, wondering where and how to start.

"Hellooo, bhabhii!!" Ayan greeted.

"Hey." I smiled.

"So Mama has already turned into the cruel mother in law."

I laughed, my frustration releasing.

"What's cooking?" Daniyal entered the kitchen stretching his arms, his eyes red and tired.

"I'm not even sure about that." I said quietly.

"Hey, don't be so nervous." Daniyal tried to calm my rising nerves.

"Guys, chinese?" Ayan intervened.

"Only interested in food are you." Daniyal rolled his eyes. "It's easier than desi, Maha. So let's get to work?"

I nodded. Ayan had taken out the vegetables by now and was washing them. Daniyal was getting the cutting board.

"Are you both staying here?" I asked perplexed.

"Who's going to help you, bhabhi jaan?" Ayan smiled bright.

"Since you're not gonna ask for it." Daniyal added.

The three of us got seated on the kitchen table.

"Pass me the vegetables, bhabhi, I'll cut them." Ayan said.

"I really don't know how to cook. Whenever I did back at home, I burned the food." I finally admitted after a while.

"Don't worry, we love burned food anyways." Daniyal said reassuringly making me feel relieved.

"You are a great chef, I can feel it." Ayan told me.

We were soon by the stove, cooking in the heat. I was adding salt when Ayan said in my ear, "Add some poison too, Mama won't ask you to make anything again."

The three of us laughed and in about two hours we had cooked the best possible meal for my new family. When we were putting food into the dishes, Ayan said, "See, I told you you're a great chef. Just don't let anyone know." He winked.

I thanked them for their help as we set the table for dinner. It went really well and Uncle gave me some cash as a reward for the great food.

"You are so giving us a treat." Ayan ordered jokingly.

As much as I tried to ignore Asfandyaar's existence, I found his eyes always at me. I tried to talk to the others only but he would make his way in every conversation. I went to wash the dishes after telling Ayan and Daniyal that I could manage it on my own. I soon found Asfandyaar behind me, leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets, looking so handsome that I had to force myself to keep looking at the dishes.

His veins were popping from his arms and his dark, desolate eyes were stuck at me. My skin heated and I found it difficult to focus on the task. I felt him inch closer, moment by moment and soon he was right behind me. Before I knew, his arms were caging me and he had swiped the plate out of my grasp and had started washing it. I stood there, my back against his chest with no room for me to inch away. Heat radiated from both our bodies as we stood so close.

Asfandyaar did not seem to mind and continued to wash the dishes, his arms more than occasionally brushing against mine. As much as I wanted to break free from his cage, I was tempted to stay. I inhaled his musky scent as he moved forward and the edge of his lightly bearded face grazed against my cheek. Tingles erupted on my skin and yet for some reason I still did not move. Asfandyaar washed all the dishes and then finally moved a step back. I turned around to look at him, my cheeks flushing.

He stared at me with that empty look and said silently, "When are you going to forgive me for doing the only thing I could?"

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