Chapter 4

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Time went super fast. Here we were still planning and shopping and there we stood outside the hall, all ready and geared up. Days turned into weeks and soon my ruksati came. The day I both dreaded and wanted to come. The day of both happiness and nostalgia. The day I would begin a new life with a man not so stranger to me now. It was all exciting, yet scary too. There were so many what ifs in my heart, yet I could do nothing but ignore them and focus on the positive aspect of things.

We all had a fabulous time at the pre-wedding events and everything went smoothly. A day before the dholki, I was kidnapped by Zahra and a few other friends who had arranged a bridal shower for me. It was great, us old friends together after so long. Saad and Hamza couldn't help but join us. Saad was changing parties whenever he wanted, siding with Asfandyaar and me according to the need of the situation.

The barat took place in a grand hall. The groom and his family were thankfully on time. We only invited close friends and family so it was a very intimate event. I chose to go traditional and opted for a red and golden lehnga where as Asfandyaar was wearing a black sherwani. Zahra and two of my other friends wore the same lehnga but in peach colour. I walked towards the stage, holding Baba's arm. Asfandyaar stood ahead of me, smiling as he offered his hand. I was so happy, that words weren't enough to describe my emotions. Maybe you did have happily ever afters in the real world too with a man equal to prince charming. Or maybe I was badly mistaken.

"I'll always be by your side, chotu." Baba said before I joined Asfandyaar on the stage.

In the doodh pillai rasm, Asfandyaar was cornered and the bride's squad got hold of the amount they wanted. There was happiness all around and my heart was at peace whenever I saw my parents. Ruksati wasn't as emotional as I expected it to be. With long good byes and hugs, I was taken aback by all the feelings and sentiments. Mama shed a tear or two but everyone else just focused on keeping my smile up.

"Don't you dare forget me." Zahra said, laughing, as she embraced me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Daniyal's eyes fixed at us.

"If anything goes wrong, you tell us. You should know me and Baba will always be with you, no matter what, meri jaan. Don't ever hesitate to tell us anything." Hamza whispered in my ear as he hugged me. "I love you, chotu." He said and I hugged him tighter, lost for words.

Ayan intervened and said, "Don't worry, Hamza. She's my sister too. I'll let nothing wrong happen."

Hamza nodded at Ayan and smiled while pinching my cheek. Oh, I was going to miss him the most.

"Hamzu, don't worry, Jutt don't care." I said winking.

We sat down in the groom's car and exited the premises of the wedding hall. Daniyal was driving with Ayan sitting next to him and me and Asfandyaar at the back. The rest of the family were in the other cars. "Ice-cream, bhabi?" Ayan asked playfully. I looked at Asfandyaar, unsure what to say.

"Sure, let's go." Asfandyaar said.

"I asked bhabi by the way." Ayan said.

"She's not used to us all yet." Daniyal said and smiled at me. I smiled back, trying not to feel out of place. "Ice-cream it is then." He added and we headed straight there while rest of Asfandyaar's family went home.

We got an ice-cream each and ate in the car while on our way to my new home. I would steal glances at Asfandyaar who would smirk at me if he caught me doing so. When we reached home, we were warmly greeted by Asfandyaar's family.

A few more traditions took place till about midnight. Me and Ayan were already on good terms, joking with eachother. Daniyal, despite being older fit into our gang perfectly. I had imagined him to be different, somewhat serious, but he was amazing company too.

Beacuse of all the fun going on around, I forgot how tired I was. Asfandyaar was sititng across me and looked at me wierdly. I openly casted glances at him now and his smile never wavered. Soon, we had a tea session and I was very cozy in the new environment till then. I dropped Zahra a message that said "Going good" with a selfie of me and the Sikander brothers. She replied by texting "Forget your worries, it's all going to be perfect."

Soon, we all headed towards our rooms. Asfandyaar's mother got me seated and comfortable in my room. The room was decorated by fresh red roses and I sat on the bed, looking at the beautiful setting around me. "If you need anything, just tell me." Aunty said politely before leaving me alone in the room. The room smelled amazing and a little card was placed on the side table saying, "Tell us if he disturbs you. The knife is never too far." It was signed by Ayan and Daniyal. I laughed, my worries disappearing bit by bit.

Asfandyaar entered seconds later, his eyes stuck at me as he sat on the other corner of the bed. "You look very beautiful. Honestly." He said, his shiny eyes empty today. He seemed different, like something serious was wrong. They were desolate, the eyes that smiled themselves.

"Thank you, so do you." He smiled weakly and my sixth sense suddenly kicked into gear. He looked around, as if looking for words.

He hesitated a but before finally speaking. Not looking directly at me he said, "You should know the truth now."

His tone made me suggest my whole world was going to shatter in the next few minutes.

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