Day 6: Blood Dripping Down

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The week went by rather fast, and König had managed to avoid you for the most part. Every time he saw you walking in one of the many hallways, he was quick to hide his tall frame behind a corner, not wanting to face you just yet.

It wasn't just because he was afraid of how he'd handle himself anymore. It was also embarrassment, from the way you had found him on top of Davis the other night.

You, on the other hand, had only grown more curious. Somewhere, you found yourself confused as to why exactly that was. But that didn't matter. All you knew was that you wanted to know more about the man behind the mask. Was it somewhat unusual that you found yourself drawn to him after you saw him like that? Maybe, but you didn't care. You just needed to know more about him.

And here he stands, in front of you in the field as bullets fly past the both of you. His gaze is locked on yours, his eyes widened and his fingers tightly wrapped around the barrel of his gun.

"--Move," he demands, and so you do, running in the direction he orders you to. Your ears are ringing and you can't quite see where you place your feet, but you can't stop now.

Run. Run and continue doing so until your legs give out.

Your heart pounds in your chest and everything around you seems to move in slow-motion.

The chaos around you intensifies as you and König navigate through the battlefield. The deafening sound of gunfire, the acrid smell of gunpowder, and the chaos of war surround you. But amidst it all, König's presence is both a comfort and a concern. You know what he's capable of, and you find yourself being glad that he's on your side.

Despite the adrenaline pumping through your veins, you can feel your body weakening with every step. The ringing in your ears is becoming more pronounced, and your vision blurs at the edges. The pain in your side is growing, but you push through, knowing that there's no time to rest.

But you're exhausted.

As you run, you feel a sharp pain shoot through your shoulder, causing you to stumble. König runs behind you and manages to catch you just before you fall, steadying you before pulling you along with him. "Keep moving," he growls, his voice tense and urgent.

But the pain is becoming too much to bear, and you struggle to keep up. You aren't sure if he noticed the bullet flying through your delicate skin, but the blood seeping through your shirt, making the blue fabric an even darker shade should tell him soon enough.

Your breaths are shallow and rapid, and every step feels like a Herculean effort. You grit your teeth, refusing to let your weakness slow König down. But it doesn't take long for him to notice the fact that you're struggling.

König's heart is in his throat too, realizing the fact that he's going to drag you somewhere to be alone with just him. But he doesn't have a choice, as the blood seeping from your wound is coming out faster and faster. So König does the one thing he can think of, dragging you to a nearby building that's clearly abandoned but still offers enough coverage for you to hide from the enemies.

Gritting his teeth, he lifts you slightly, supporting most of your weight as he helps you through the broken door and into the relative safety of the building. Once inside, you slump against the wall, gasping for breath.

König's concern is evident as he quickly checks your injuries. "You're hurt," he says, his voice surprisingly gentle, in contrast to the image you have of him in your mind.

You nod, trying to catch your breath. "I'm—fine," you manage to huff out, though you know you need more than just a moment to recover.

König's jaw clenches as he considers your options. "We can't stay here for long. They'll find us soon," he warns, looking around for any sign of danger.

"I know," you reply, your voice strained. "Just— give me a moment."

But time is a luxury you can't afford. The sounds of gunfire draw closer, and you know you need to move. But König's mind is somewhere else for a split second as he rips open the collar of your shirt, tearing it just enough to see the wound.

God how he hates himself for doing it, because the moment his eyes land on the wound, thoughts he shouldn't be thinking surface in his brain.

The way you wince in pain, the red liquid dripping down your body. He didn't mind seeing you like this. It only made him look at you in a different way.

One that he trying so hard to avoid.

Oh how pretty you look with blood dripping down your soft skin, a pained expression on your pretty face, and his rough hands on you that have done things one could never imagine. How his hands would look wrapped around your delicate throat. How easy he could just snap you in half if he wishes to..

And now it's too late.

There's no use in pushing these thoughts to the side and he knows it. But right now he couldn't, as you two were genuinely in danger, the enemies drawing closer each second.

König looks at you with determination, silently making a decision.

"Can you stand?" he asks, his tone leaving no room for argument.

You wince in pain once more, but nod, pushing yourself up with his help. The pain in your shoulder is excruciating, it feels like your skin is on fire, but you bite back any cries of pain as König carries you back to the helicopter.

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