Cassia was looking down the moment she had entered the room. He was scared and nervous both as the same time. Scared that her father might yell at her again, and nervous of being rejected once again.

It was not like it's the first time that she was rejected. She already felt rejected by her father the moment she was born. She knows that her father wouldn't even take a glance at her. And deep inside the heart of a young little child, Cassia felt sad and broken because of that. But still, she's trying her best. Just so she could get that love and attention she yearns for.

Call it martyr but that was indeed Cassia at that young age of hers. She was just so desperate on wanting to be loved. To be given attention. To be someone important to a person. She just wanted to feel special. That someone loves her and give importance to her, that gives her the attention and affection she wants.

Because ever since she was born. Not even her father nor brother visited her in her room. None of them was there to see her grow up. She would only see his brother when they pass through each other in the hallways when he was still at home and hasn't entered the Academy yet. While the Count, her father, would only be seen when she is called.

Cassia thought on the other side of her head that, no one loves me, no one cares for me, even if I die right here and now they won't even shed a single drop of their tear.

"What brings you here?" The Count inquired, snapping Cassia back to reality.

She instantly recalled her purpose for visiting the Count's Office, despite already knowing that her father was occupied, thanks to her prior conversation with Butler Philip.

Taking a deep breath, Cassia closed her eyes and mentally prepared herself for the encounter.

"Happy Birthday, Father!" Cassia greeted, her eyes still shut tightly, as she presented a beautifully wrapped gift box before him.

The Count, taken aback by his daughter's sudden burst of excitement, couldn't help but be surprised by her cute reaction. He remained silent, extending his arms as a gesture of acceptance for the present Cassia had given him.

Cassia slowly opened her eyes, gazing at her father with pure joy and innocence. However, something in her presence triggered an unexpected reaction in the Count, fueling a sudden anger within him.

Caught off guard by Cassia's radiant smile and her captivating ruby red eyes, the Count's mind was instantly flooded with a different and darker image. His mother's face appeared in his thoughts, wearing a mocking smile that sent shivers down his spine. Memories of the former Countess resurfaced, replaying the haunting words she had repeatedly uttered, words that had inflicted deep trauma upon him and triggered uncontrollable emotions.

In a fit of rage, the Count forcefully slapped Cassia's hand that was holding the present. The impact was harsh and powerful, causing the gift box to fly from her grasp and leaving her small hands reddened and stinging in pain.

Cassia, hurt by the intensity of the Count's slap, remained silent. She yearned to cry, as any child her age normally would in such a distressing situation. But she fought back her tears, determined to hold them in, stifling her natural instinct to express her anguish.

While Cassia displayed impressive emotional control at her young age, the Count, on the other hand, was consumed by fury. His anger led him to utter words he immediately regretted as he saw tears welling up in his daughter's eyes.

"Father, what's wrong—"

"Stop calling me your Father! You're no daughter of mine!"

As soon as the Count comprehended the nonsensical nature of his outburst, he snapped back to reality. Witnessing the tears forming in Cassia's eyes, he desperately wanted to explain, to clarify that his words were unfounded, mere products of his emotional turmoil. However, no words escaped his lips. The internalized thoughts refused to find voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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