6 - Beginning of Mayhem

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"Am I not allowed to visit your place?" Talia felt a bit offended by Hiro's tone.

"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just shocked, that's all. Why did you visit me today?" Hiro asked.

"I just want to see you. Come on, take me to your room." Talia excitedly stood up from the couch and linked her arm with Hiro's.

Reluctantly, Hiro led her to his bedroom, while
His younger sisters couldn't help but giggle.

"Stop it; it's not funny," Hiro scolded his siblings.

As they reached the bedroom door, both of them entered and locked it.

"Our son is growing up, isn't he?" Hiro's mother, Hisako, commented.

"I can't believe it either. He was once just a little baby I carried in my arms." Kazuki, his father, reminisced about those memories.

Inside Hiro's bedroom, Talia sat on his bed.

"I actually have something to discuss with you," Talia told him sternly.

"What is it? You can talk with me here." Hiro was focused on listening for this information.

"My father is organizing an event tomorrow afternoon after our class. It includes a parade at the boulevard to honor the legendary heroes of Varunton. Your parents and your brother and his wife will be there. A ceremony will also take place at our family mansion to present awards," Talia elaborated.

"I want you to accompany me throughout this big event. I asked Kristine first because you guys are neighbors, and you weren't home yet. But she declined, saying she had important matters to attend to," Talia added.

"Did Kristine mention the reasons for her absence? What if I can convince her?" Hiro couldn't comprehend Kristine's decision not to come.

Talia shook her head, indicating no. "It won't work. She told me that if you try to convince her, she won't even answer the door, no matter what you do."

"Have you asked Dylan?" Hiro has one more best friend they could try to persuade to join tomorrow's event.

"Well, take me to his house; we can try to convince him," Talia said excitedly as she got up from Hiro's bed.

"We don't have time to waste. We need to go now."

Hiro held Talia's hand as they opened the bedroom door and went downstairs. "Mom, Dad, we're going out for a while; I'll be home before dinner."

Hiro and Talia strolled through the bustling street, observing the preparations for tomorrow's event. They noticed food stalls, colorful banners, and lively crowds already present.

Hiro and Talia unexpectedly met their classmate Timothy, deep in thought while gazing at the parade preparations.

"Timothy!" Hiro called out Timothy, prompting him to turn his head in search of the voice.

Spotting Hiro and Talia holding each other's hands, she said, "Oh, Hiro, Talia! I didn't expect to see you two here."

"Are you going tomorrow?" Talia asked.

"I hadn't planned on it. I have a parish mass after school, and my family and I are quite religious, so we all have to be there," Timothy explained. "But if I don't have important things to do after it, then I might make it."

Talia jumped with excitement. "Thank you so much for considering it, Timothy. The parade will begin at five in the afternoon, followed by the awarding ceremony at seven in the evening."

"No problem, Talia. I know this event is important to your father, as it's his first organized event since becoming mayor." Timothy smiled at them both.

"We won't stay here for long. We need to invite more friends and schoolmates for tomorrow," Hiro stated.

"Sure, I'll see you guys tomorrow if my schedule allows me," Timothy replied.

Hiro started walking, dragging Talia along, as they waved goodbye to Timothy, who waved back.

Hiro and Talia continued their walk around the city until they reached Dylan's neighborhood.

They arrived at Dylan's house, and Hiro knocked on the door. "Dylan, are you home?"

Dylan's father opened it with, "Hiro, hey, what brings you guys here?"

"We're just inviting our friend, Dylan, to tomorrow's event," Talia answered.

"Wait, you're the mayor's daughter, right? I'm surprised you're friends with Dylan and Hiro," Dylan's father remarked, not expecting his son to be friends with the mayor's daughter.

"Come on in; Dylan is in his room upstairs." His father opened the door wider to let them in.

"Would you like snacks or drinks?"

"We're good, Mr. Millard," Hiro replied, while Talia nodded.

They both went upstairs, where Dylan awaited them with a smug expression: "Think you can surprise me? Too late."

"Not really, but we're here to invite you." Hiro smiled at him.

"Invite me? For what event?" Dylan tilted his head, a bit confused.

"The Grand Hero Gala, an event where we honor and recognize the heroes of our city, past and present," Talia proudly answered on behalf of her father.

"That sounds interesting; count me in." Dylan gratefully accepted the invitation.

"Great, we'll have an amazing time together at the central plaza." Talia feels enthusiastic, excited that she successfully invited more people.

"What about Kristine?" Dylan asked.

"She said she's busy, but she didn't provide a reason. She simply stated that I have no time to have fun."

"I'm a little bit worried; I hope she's doing okay." Hiro feels something is odd about Kristine's behavior; she's never like this.

"I could invite my classmates if you want," Dylan suggested.

"Who? Cathy and Ivan?" Talia asked.

"And Sasha," Dylan added.

"I mean, you could," Talia's voice tinged with worry.

"Did something happen?" Hiro was curious if something happened between Talia and her friends.

"It's just that I felt like I've been silently pushed out of the group. They rarely interact with me; they make plans where I'm not invited."

"I think it's because they thought you abandoned them by choosing to hang out with us," Dylan states. Talia chose to spend more time with Dylan, Hiro, and Kristine than with her friend group, which included Cathy and Ivan, as well as the popular kids.

"I mean, can't we all just get along?" Talia thought it would be easy, but students like Cathy and Ivan are difficult to deal with.

"I'm not stopping you from inviting them. This event is for all of us citizens and superheroes of Varunton," Talia stated.

"I'll invite them. If you don't want to talk to them, I'll try to limit the chances of you bumping into each other." Dylan devised a plan.

"Thanks, Dylan, but you don't have to go through all that trouble to make me feel better. I'm fine," Talia reassured her friend.

"I think it's time for me to leave. I promised my family that I'd be home before dinner. The sun is setting. See you tomorrow, Dylan." Hiro started to go to Dylan's front door and bid farewell to his best friend Dylan.

"I'll go with him; see you." Talia also said goodbye to Dylan and left the house.

Dylan's father gave a thumbs up and said, "I'll suggest you go and get ready for tomorrow."

Dylan gave a thumbs up and went back to his bedroom.

Hiro noticed that Talia was behind him. "Aren't you going home now?"

Talia locked her hand on Hiro's arm and said, "I'm having dinner at your house. Your mom invited me to eat there and even suggested I spend the night there, but I declined because my father needs me to take care of some things for tomorrow."

Later in the evening, Talia and the Naito family sat at the dinner table, with Mr. and Mrs. Naito smiling as they noticed Hiro and Talia exchanging glances.

With a mischievous grin, Mrs. Naito asked, "So, how did you and my son meet?" as she took a bite of her dinner.

Hiro blushed slightly and quickly clarified, "Mom, Dad, we're just friends. Don't assume we're dating."

Natsumi couldn't help but tease, "Sure, just friends," giggling at the table.

Talia spoke up to diffuse the teasing: "Well, Hiro and I met in elementary school. We were in the same group for an activity, and we've been friends ever since."

Hiro's father wanted to know more about them: "Have you two gone to the movies or attended concerts together?"

"We do go out a lot," Talia replied.

Natsuko grinned mischievously at her older brother and said, "Like what most couples do."

Mrs. Naito laughed along, saying, "Oh, Hiro, the girls just love to tease you. I'm glad you met a beautiful and wonderful friend like Talia."

Mr. Naito warmly declared, "You're always welcome in our house, Talia. You have permission to visit whenever you want to meet Hiro."

Natsumi playfully bantered one last time, "When is the wedding?"

Everyone burst into laughter, including Talia, feeling closer to Hiro's family with each passing moment.

After dinner, Talia checked her watch and realized it was time to say goodbye.

She stood up from her chair and thanked Hiro's mother, "Thank you for the delicious dinner, Mrs. Naito."

Mrs. Naito smiled warmly and said, "You're welcome, Talia. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Talia then smiled at Hiro's younger sisters. She then poked Hiro's shoulder and whispered, "Can I steal you for a moment?"

Hiro was curious. "Where are you taking me?"

"Let's go outside." Talia proceeded to the door with Hiro behind her. "Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Naito; goodbye, Natsuko and Natsumi."

They stepped onto the porch, greeted by the cool evening wind.

"I just want to thank you for always being here for me. I'm grateful to have you in my life, Hiro." Talia expressed her gratitude for their friendship since elementary school.

"I'm thankful too, Talia. You've brought me joy and positivity that I couldn't find in Kristine and Dylan, and I mean that." Hiro smiled at her.

"That means a lot, Hiro." Talia tried to contain her happiness, but a slight blush appeared on her face.

"Anyway, I should head home now; I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, okay?" Talia is looking forward to meeting Hiro the next day.

Hiro nodded. "I'll see you in the afternoon. Goodnight, Talia."

Unexpectedly, Talia hugged Hiro, and he glanced at the living room window, realizing his family was watching.

Hiro let the warm embrace continue, knowing that breaking it off abruptly would be rude. This hug meant so much to Talia.

Talia's family car arrived, and she released the hug, waving goodbye to Hiro.

Sometimes Hiro forgets that Talia is the daughter of a wealthy family. Talia got into the car, glanced at Hiro with a smile one last time, and closed the door.

Hiro stayed outside until Talia's family car disappeared into the night. He went back inside, greeted by his family's teasing faces. "Oh, come on, there's nothing between us."

Hiro quickly headed upstairs to his bedroom, hearing his younger sisters giggling along the way.


The next morning, Hiro woke up from the sunlight that seemed to pass by through the curtain in his room.

He was still a bit dazed, daydreaming at the ceiling for a while before getting up to start today, the big day.

He yawned as he walked around the room, trying to find his bath towel. "Where is it?"

It was hanging at the doorknob of his bedroom; he took it and opened the door.

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Hiro opened the mirror cabinet to grab his toothbrush and toothpaste. He filled the toothbrush with his minty toothpaste and started to fill it into his teeth.

Finishing his toothbrush, he looked at his reflection before taking a bath. He turned the faucet to release the water from the shower.

Hiro's bare feet were felt with the warmth of the water on the tiles. It was weird, but he always finds the sound of the running water soothing; it makes him calm and think clearly.

He turned off the faucet after washing all the shampoo and soap from his body. He grabbed his towel and wiped the wet parts of his body.

After taking a bath, Hiro was called by his mother: "Hiro, breakfast is ready!"

"I'll be there in a minute." Hiro rushed into his bedroom to get dressed in his school uniform.

He went downstairs to the dining table and sat with the family.

The aroma of the chicken curry pleases Hiro's nose; it was addicting, to say the least.

"I cooked your favorite food." Mrs. Naito smiled warmly at her son, proud to make him excited for the morning.

"Are you ready for the event later in the afternoon?" Mr. Naito asked.

"Would Akira be present? I want to see him again." Hiro misses his older brother.

"You have to see for yourself later." His mother smirked, which made Hiro more curious about the answer.

Hiro took a sip of pineapple juice, which was fresh and sweet just the way Hiro likes it.

After breakfast, Hiro kisses his mother and father goodbye as he proceeds to go to school.

Upon arriving at school and entering the classroom, Hiro noticed that Kristine was engrossed in her studies, while Talia sat alone in her seat.

"Did you two have an argument?" Hiro wondered, finding it strange since they usually chatted every morning.

"She just brushed me off. I don't know what's been going on with her lately, but she's becoming antisocial, even towards her friends," Talia replied.

"I try talking to her," Hiro said, attempting not only to socialize but also to convince Kristine to join the event later.

Approaching Kristine, Hiro greeted her and said, "Good morning, Kristine." He wanted to acknowledge her before discussing anything else.

"You know how important it is for us if you could join the event."

"Leave me alone, Hiro. I rarely change my mind about things, and I've already said I don't want to go." Kristine interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

"I just want to understand why," Hiro expressed his concern. He had known Kristine since they were children, so it felt strange to see her behaving this way. It reminded him of when they first met at the restaurant—they felt like strangers.

"Just mind your own business, Hiro. Everything will be fine. I have a lot on my mind right now," Kristine replied, trying to organize her belongings.

Hiro glanced at Kristine's things and noticed numerous schedules and descriptions written on her notes. "Are you going somewhere without telling us, Kristine?" he asked.

"I said, mind your own business, Hiro. I don't want to get angry with you, so just go away and leave me alone." Kristine hastily closed her notebook, preventing Hiro from seeing any further information about her plans.

Hiro had no choice but to leave her be. He felt disappointed that he couldn't persuade Kristine to accompany them to the parade. Returning to his seat beside Talia, he asked, "Did it work?"

Talia shook her head disapprovingly. "I hate this feeling. Something is troubling Kristine, and I want to help her through it."

"I hate to say it, Hiro, but Kristine pushes us away when we try to help. She doesn't want our assistance, at least not for now. I hope she can sort things out soon," Talia told Hiro.

For the remainder of the day, neither Talia nor Hiro had any conversations with Kristine. When the dismissal bell rang, Kristine swiftly left the classroom without bidding her friends goodbye.

Despite feeling a sense of gloom, both Talia and Hiro knew they had an event to attend. They left the classroom together and made their way to Varunton Boulevard.

They arrived at the area with just ten minutes to spare before the event began. The golden rays of the upcoming sunset make the place even more vibrant; the colorful decorations make the event more lively; and the infectious energy of the crowd will make this event more exciting.

Hiro looked around the area, taking note of the inflatable balloons representing the heroes of their city, including those of his own family. A famous music artist named Luna was performing a concert on the boulevard, further energizing the crowd before the parade started.

The event was being televised, and the emcee's voice came over the speakers: "Welcome to Varunton's Grand Hero Parade! Let's give it up for Luna!" It promised to be a successful event for the city of Varunton.

As Luna's final song ended, the emcee took the stage to begin the proceedings. "Good morning, everyone! It's time for Varunton's heroes! Let me hear you scream!"

A loud, triumphant sound from the marching band could be heard from a distance.

Families, children, superhero enthusiasts, and geeks alike grew excited and moved closer to the barricades, eagerly awaiting the start of the parade.

Hiro looked around, hoping to spot Dylan or Timothy among the attendees. He noticed Dylan with his classmates, Sasha, Cathy, and Ivan.

After deciding not to inform Talia immediately, Hiro wanted her to enjoy the event without any negativity or awkwardness. He turned to Talia and asked, "Can you tell me who else is participating in the parade, aside from my family?"

Talia replied, Hiro keeping an eye on Dylan and his group, "There's Colossus; Ivan shared a story about how he met someone who has the same syndrome as him; he aspires to be like Colossus when we become professional superheroes."

"Our city's heroine, Abby Mason, the wife of your brother and the top-ranked hero in Varunton, is also participating. Everyone knows her as Aethera," Talia added.

"And there's Blink, the father of Dash Gonzalez. He has consistently been one of the top heroes in our city for the past decade."

Talia paused momentarily before concluding, "I could go on, but the floats are about to arrive!"

As the marching band passed by, the crowd cheered, waving their flags and shouting the names of various superheroes in Varunton.

And there she was, Aethera, soaring through the city's skies with her ethereal wings. After a brief moment of flying, she gracefully landed on the parade route, waving to the excited people. "Are you ready to see more!?" she exclaimed.

The crowd responded eagerly with a resounding "Yes!"

Finally, the first float arrived, showcasing Akira, also known as Viscero. His high-tech costume had a chartreuse shade and was remarkably flexible, allowing Akira to transform his body into a slime-like form.

Hiro couldn't contain his excitement when he spotted his older brother on the parade. "Akira, I miss you!"

Akira took notice of his brother's voice as he waved wildly and smiled widely at him.

Next came Colossus, Varunton's third-ranked hero. He wore a sleek jet black bodysuit with metallic silver accents, including gauntlets and boots. The bodysuit, tailored by a high-tech company, perfectly molded to his muscular physique. A silver emblem resembling a Spartan helmet adorned the chest.

Ivan was in awe as he watched his idol in the superhero suit, feeling motivated to become like Colossus someday.

The third float featured Blink, Dash's father. His superhero costume was a vibrant lightning blue, with bolt patterns visible from his mask to his entire outfit.

"Looking good, Dad!" Dash cheered loudly, his voice carrying throughout the area.

Following these floats, many more superhero floats passed by, including the teachers of the Seacoast Academy and Mr. and Mrs. Naito.

At the pinnacle of the parade, the Protectors of the Light made their appearance. Every citizen of Varunton held immense respect for these five heroes, who had dedicated themselves to protecting and saving the city.

Hiro's grandparents, Replicant and Arcana, were present on the float alongside ThunderFist. However, Dead Eye and Harmonia were noticeably absent.

The float came to a halt in the middle of the street, and the trio grabbed a microphone to address the crowd.

"Good evening, everyone!" they greeted, causing the crowd to erupt in thunderous applause.

"We apologize deeply for the absence of our fellow heroes today. Each of us has personal matters to attend to, which is why they couldn't join us for the parade," Arcana explained, disappointing some fans.

"Let's not let their absence dampen our spirits. The three of us are grateful to every single one of you for being here, even though we retired almost fifteen years ago. Your presence alone shows your undying support." ThunderFist expressed gratitude, prompting cheers, applause, and waving of flags and banners from the crowd.

ThunderFist then passed the microphone to Arcana. "One of the main reasons our team was successful is unity, chemistry, and teamwork. To all the young heroes here today, remember not to lose these three aspects in your heroic lives. All heroes must come together to protect not only Varunton but the entire world. Strive to make a positive difference for yourselves and for the people." Arcana delivered a heartfelt message that moved some members of the crowd to tears.

Arcana then passed the microphone to her husband and the leader of the group, Replicant. "Lastly, I want to conclude this speech by urging the crowd to show support not only to us but also to young heroes like my grandson, Hiro," Replicant pointed proudly at his grandson, despite the sea of people in front of him.

Hiro didn't expect a call-out from his grandfather. Some of his classmates cheered for him, and this is when Hiro noticed that Timothy was actually present at the event.

"Look, Timothy actually came." Hiro nudged Talia's shoulder and pointed towards Timothy, who waved back upon noticing them gazing in his direction.

"Not only to young heroes but to everyone residing in Varunton. Even those without special abilities, we are all heroes in our own lives. Display kindness to those in need, always show compassion in everything you do, and don't ever forget to be fair and serve justice in the right way." Replicant delivered his speech, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd.

With their speech concluded, the Protectors of the Light bowed down to the crowd, and the float began moving towards the mansion where the recognition and awards ceremony would take place.

The event emcee announced to the entire crowd, "For those who want to see more of Varunton's heroes, please proceed to the mayor's mansion. There are signs to guide you there."

Hiro and Talia followed the signs, but Hiro was interrupted when someone tapped his shoulder. "Hiro, Talia, I have to leave now. My parents set a curfew, and I need to be home before 7:00 pm."

Talia checked her watch and saw that it was exactly 6:30 p.m. "No worries, thank you for coming to the parade."

"Stay safe on your way home," Hiro managed to say before Timothy left.

Timothy waved goodbye as Dylan and Sasha approached them. "Sasha and I will go to the mansion."

"Ivan and Cathy went home. They said they have other things to do," Sasha mentioned, oblivious to Talia's recent drama with her popular friends.

"I guess it's just the four of us then. Let's go." Hiro took the lead, and the others followed.

After a fifteen-minute walk, they arrived at Walton's mansion. Hiro was amazed by the elegant atmosphere and impressive architecture of Talia's house. 'This is her everyday life,' he thought to himself.

"The chandelier is exquisite. It's one of the best I've ever seen," Dylan commented.

"The intricate artworks around the room are a visual feast," Sasha added.

Walton's butler greeted them. "Good evening, Ms. Talia. You're just in time for the ceremony. Are these your friends?"

"Yes, these are my school friends."

"I'm glad you have friends who are more well-behaved than the previous," the butler referred to Ivan, who often caused trouble and received scolding from the butler.

"I apologize for that. I promise they aren't like him."

"I hope so, or I might have to ask your father to dismiss them from the event," the butler joked, chuckling at the idea. He trusted Talia's judgment. She had warned him that Ivan might be a bit problematic, but the butler never expected his patience to be tested to that extent.

"Ms. Talia, please proceed to the hall. The awarding ceremony will be held there," the butler guided them.

The four of them were about to enter the hall. "Dylan? Sasha?" Dash recognized his classmates.

He looked at Hiro and Talia. "You both are from the Class of Spades, right?"

Hiro nodded, encouraging Dash to continue.

"And you are the mayor's daughter, am I correct?" Dash looked at Talia.

"Yes," Talia replied simply.

"Nice to meet both of you," Dash said, shaking hands with Talia and then Hiro.

"Nice to meet you too. Did you stay here for your dad?" Hiro asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yes, my dad is Blink, and like every professional superhero in our city, he will receive an award at the event."

The event announcer caught everyone's attention: "The event will officially begin. Please proceed to the hall now."

"I'll see you around," Dash, using his super speed, rushed to the hall in milliseconds.

All the attendees rushed to the hall, excited to see the heroes of the past and present.

"Talia, your home is amazing." Hiro complimented the luxurious design of the mansion. It felt surreal to be in such a place.

They looked around the hall, admiring the well-arranged seats and the stage set for the award ceremony. The only thing missing were the esteemed superheroes sitting in their designated spots.

"We can sit in the front row. As the mayor's daughter, I've got you three covered." Talia guided them to the front row, where the professional superheroes would sit.

They took their seats as the event began, with the emcees speaking into their microphones. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for joining us for this ceremony. I'm Howard, and I'm thrilled to be one of the MCs for this event. And with me is Lillian."

Lillian spoke up, "Thanks, Howard! We're both excited to celebrate this ceremony with all of you."

Howard introduced the mayor of Varunton, announcing, "Before we begin, our mayor has some opening words to share with us."

Dressed in a black suit adorned with blue stripes on the lounge jacket, complemented by a white shirt and a red tie, the mayor took the stage. Howard handed him the microphone before he and Lillian exited the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. It brings me immense joy to welcome all the distinguished and aspiring heroes of our city. I am deeply grateful for the invaluable contributions each of you has made to our city. This event holds a special place in my heart as it marks the first in our city. Words cannot express the emotions I am experiencing right now. I am filled with overwhelming delight and excitement, and given the success of this inaugural occasion, I am considering making it an annual tradition. The parade and awards ceremony honoring our heroes should have been established long ago. They deserve constant recognition for the safety and the inspiration they impart to both our fellow citizens and the younger generation. Just look at this remarkable turnout tonight, despite this being a new event. I am astounded by the number of attendees, and I hope to see an even larger crowd at our future events. You are the driving force behind our heroes, motivating them to continue their fight and protect our city. Your undying support keeps their spirits high. With that, I conclude my opening remarks. Thank you all for being here tonight."

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers. Other individuals were even moved by the mayor's speech as he stepped down from the stage. The two MCs proceeded to introduce the awards and recognize different heroes for their contributions and heroic deeds.

Hiro admired all the heroes receiving awards, especially his older brother, as he went up the stage to accept his own award. It fueled Hiro's dream of being recognized as a professional hero someday.

After acknowledging all the current heroes of Varunton, MC Howard proceeded to welcome the legendary heroes: "And now, before we indulge in the delightful dinner, let's give a warm round of applause for the legendary Protectors of the Light: Takashi Naito, also known as Replicant; Mari Naito, known as Arcana; and of course, the electrifying Kenji Shun, ThunderFist!"

The three heroes gracefully stood up from their seats and made their way to the stage. Each of them received a trophy that resembled their heroic persona, while another trophy, featuring five human figures representing the members of the Protectors of the Light, was presented to the group.

They took their turns to give speeches, expressing gratitude for their service to Varunton during the 1980s and acknowledging the support they had received from the city's citizens.


Hiro felt something was wrong. The temperature in the hall seemed to rise despite the air conditioner running, and he detected a faint smell of smoke. Turning to his friends seated beside him, he asked, "Do any of you have a bad feeling about this?"

They shook their heads. "There's nothing to worry about, Hiro," Sasha reassured him with a smile, trying to ease his anxious state.

But Hiro couldn't shake off his unease. He was convinced that something bad was about to happen.

"Stay calm, Hiro. Let's enjoy the evening." Dylan comforted him, patting his back.

Hiro tried to focus back on the ceremony as his grandfather prepared to speak.

"Back in my prime years," Replicant's speech was abruptly stopped when a bursting ball of flames burst through the hall's doors.

"This is the era of my inferno!" A man engulfed in flames shouted those words, causing panic among the guests. The professional superheroes swiftly sprang into action, positioning themselves in front of the villain to shield the innocent attendees as they evacuate the mansion.

The Seacoast students who are present at the mansion remained in the background. They yearned to assist the professional heroes, prepared to confront the villain and offer their aid.

"I will engulf everything in flames!" The fiery villain declared, initiating his infernal mayhem.


Heroes' Odyssey: VaruntonWhere stories live. Discover now