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Dev pov

I shouldn't have offered help to samyukta because being around her is affecting me, I myself didn't knew what advice or instructions I was giving to her the only thing I could focus on was the mole behind her ear lobe it's so small

But somewhere I felt at ease after observing that I wasn't the only one who is being effected being this close to her

She is taking deeper breaths and her eyes fix on my hands which warp around her arms and holding the bat

I could scence her nervousness through her skin

She is.....

" Cute"

Samyukta turned her head slightly towards her left and looking in my eyes while raising an eyebrow


This is when I realised that the word 'cute' slipped from my tongue I internally slapped myself

"Nothing" saying I moved my hands back which were comfortably wraped around her and tuck them into my pockets and walked towards my kit bag

I could feel her eye's on me ...wait is she checking me out

I kneeled to pick my bag and was taking my bat and other essential things out of it and that's when Samyukta offered me an energy drink " take it as my thank you gift" she said with a smile on her face

Her face was glowing due to sunrays her cheek's and nose were a little pink her brown eyes were magical
She is beautiful

Brushing thoughts from my mind I said " you don't have to offer me this,  just make sure that you bat good amount of runs in this match thats all I want "
On hearing my words samyukta's smile dropped a little I thought I hurt or offended her but my assumptions were proven wrong by seeing her eye's
Her eyes softern

"I'll make sure to dedicate my half century to you "
She said and was about to turn back but her step's were stopped by me" last night what you said was it it some kind of prank or was it out of fun?"

Samyukta remain silent for few seconds and her silence felt like eternity after couple of seconds he turn around and walk towards me she looked into my eyes " I wasn't able to sleep from the moment I have laid my eyes on you, I have been making plans regarding how to talk to you my whole goggle history, Instagram feed is filled with you, I'm not able to concentrate on my game  which is my top most priority I'm losing my mind on you"

"so tell me is this prank ?" 

she asked me looking into my eyes and I have no words to say I just kept looking at her

" I'll propose you three times its upto me when I'll,  but if you reject me all three times ..........then I'll never in my life will bother you "

she always makes me speechless, she gave me 3 chances to both accept or reject her why do I always get silent or have no words in such moments

I could see bowling coach and other bowlers waking into the ground 

"I'll take your silence as an yes"

"be ready to fall head over heels for me dev, ill make you fall for me"

she said while taking few playful steps backward " meet you on the field" and she ran to her couch and other players and left me here with my heart beating like crazy 

I know that this was full of dev and sam and  an  very short chapter ill make sure to make next chapter a little bit lengthy currently I'm  working on shubman and eda story and trust me you'll love it for sure

Next chapter will be full of shubman and eda

I'll make sure to give equal priority to both the leads

I hope you like this chapter
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