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"oye I'll just be back...I need to use washroom " a women in her early twenties said to her friend to which her friend gave an assuring node

After 20min:

Her friend who is also in her early twenties was sipping on her drink was bored of waiting for her friend who said she have to use washroom and still after 20min she didn't come so she decided to call her "ugh why this girl change these many numbers she is really pain in my ass" she spoke with herself but suddenly a voice caught attention "Excuse me ma'am...may I sit here " a man in his mid twenties asked

She didn't utter a single word and gave an silent node ...due to darkness she was unable to see that person face but it somehow felt kinda familiar...since she didn't want to disturb him she stayed silent and started her treasure hunt called finding my friend current contact number out of 8 addition number which her friend had


When will this guy stop staring my face he is making it obvious....I turn my head facing his" there are many empty seats in this bar" I gave an forced smile "feel free to use them" I knew it sounds rude but this guy was making me feel uncomfortable by staring at me but his reply made me feel stun"I don't wanna sit alone" at this point I didn't know what to say I countine being silent

after 2min he asked bartender for a drink..."hey we both have same taste in drinks" he said turning towards me "same pinch" he sounded cute I lifted my drink for cheers and that's when I saw his face clearly he was shubman Gill prince of ICT the whole India knows him but I'm sure they don't know this side of him ....I can see his efforts in building an conversation with me not only efforts I was able to see those tears he was holding back I decided to ask him

" what's up ...chatter is a fools pursuits your eyes can't hide what your words conceal " she could see his eyes were getting red due to tears which he was holding back " wow!....your tears are loyal they won't shed without your consent... don't imprison them let them be free"

his eyes close and an silent tears left his eyes and after few seconds he spoke "I don't know why this is happening to me's not like currently we are in relation but how can she move on so's only been 5 months..... didn't I mean anything to her?....we both broke up 5 months ago as we lost feelings for eachother we gradually grew appart... it was mutual break didn't hurt that much when we decided to break up but why do I feel so sad and hurt when she said that she'll get married in 1 month" he kept on speeking for 40min to be precise crying for 40min .He slept on the bar counter as he was sharing his burden

( sara or shubman didn't cheat on eachother it was an mutual breakup since they both didn't feel the same  Love they used to have at the beginning and gradually they drifted apart......after breakup sara decided to move on and get married to a guy chosen by her parents)

(Shubman is feeling insecure since she choose someone over him it was making him feel inferior
It's not like he didn't want her to move on from him but he felt ' how can she move on from me so fast didn't she love me' )

Seeing his sleeping figure somehow made her feel at ease....she moved closer to his sleeping face and moved few strands of his hair which were on his face making him uncomfortable...she moved close to ear and whisper

"you never loved her if you have you wouldn't lose your feelings for her and would never let her go away from you liked her....and this feeling you are facing now is how a child feel when someone takes his doll which he likes so much...your heart is not broken you are just feeling will heal with time....if it is meant to be your it will come to you"

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YOU AND ME- Shubman Gill & Devdutt Padikkal ( NOT BL) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz