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Eda pov

Whenever I'm with shubman time just flews away hour's feel like minutes I still don't know what made me say ' I trust you shubman, make me fall harder in love with you ' a part of mine took over me at that moment which I never let anyone see or let myself see

The walls which I build around me an huge wall of fear of love is slowly breaking little by little I could feel it form my heart and it wasnt easy for me let shubman enter into my life for me love was always forbidden, horrible, an sense of feeling which make's all other feelings and sense to just fade away

Whenever I'm with him I feel extremely happy, joy, relived but at the same time a slight fear, discomfort, an wierd feeling that what if one day he leaves me alone

Can I live without him?

What is this messy feeling called?

Is it love?

I love it and hate it at same time 

Eda was unsure about what she was feeling for shubman it was making her restless

And the same goes with shubman

But here shubman is sure about his feelings and he also know that some or other day eda will love him but the only thing he is unsure is about eda

Sometimes he feels like he knows her more than anyone in this world but sometimes he feels like he doesn't even know anything about her

Shubman POV

I will never  force her into something in which she isn't comfortable even when it's comes to her loving me I will never force myself on her. Love isn't something to be forced it happens gradually but whenever it happens it creates both magic and Chaos

I'll wait for her it doesn't matter however long it takes I'll keep on waiting for her

She is something I wanna cherish for life or even for eternity it feels as if she casted magic on me magic of love

And it's not like I'm complaining about it

I keep on falling for her for every second passing by

I love her

She will love me

Even if she didn't I'll never give up on her

I'll make her believe in love and happy endings

Next day morning

Dev and samyukta

Last night incident is still fresh in Dev's mind
His introvert self couldn't take the sudden confession of samyukta

He knew that Samyukta is nothing like him she is an total extrovert and had no filter while taking

It would be an lie if he said that he slept last night
He couldn't even get an minute sleep last night

But the feeling which he was feeling was not annoying or discomfort it was an really weird feeling
He literally felt butterflies no not just butterflies
He could feel whole zoo in his core Last night

He walked towards the ground and found samyukta practicing her batting in nets

Samyukta's batting is not as good as her bowling and fielding, she has been working hard on batting

Dev was watching Samyukta bat while wearing his glove's he could see mistakes in samyukta's batting
Style which were minor mistakes but would Play an huge effect

His initial idea was to avoid her and stay as far as he could from her but watching her struggle in batting was not helping him

Samyukta pov

Batting has always been my weak point that is the reason why I'm last order batsman the only reason I got selected into the teams from past few years was because of my bowling and fielding

It's not like I never tried batting I did practice a lot but I couldn't do my best in it every time

" Need help?"

This is when I realised that Dev was here in the ground all the time I thought he would ignore me for last night stunt I won't feel bad even if he did since it is reasonable

" Yeah"

He walked into the net in which I was practicing I thought he would ball or instruct me but he walked towards me and went behind me I couldn't understand what he was doing until a pair of hands warp around my hands which were holding bat an sudden wave of tension arose in me he lean into me and set my body position " left leg a little forward"

I could feel his breath on my neck warm

He was instructing me but non of it was audible
The only thing which I could hear was my heart beat
' dub dub dub' I could feel it in my throat

He was making me nervous

I feel like an complete mess but I like this

I like this feeling

I hope you like this chapter
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YOU AND ME- Shubman Gill & Devdutt Padikkal ( NOT BL) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant