Chainsaw man

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Name:  Ryu nami

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Name:  Ryu nami

Age origin: ch 16
Age in Canon: 18

Height: 5,5

Alias: boogeyman

Persinality: smart,  kind of hot headed,  brave, somewhat insane and at times cocky

Likes:  traveling, cooking, reading, training, friends, and hunting devils

Dislikes: devils, bullies

Backstory: Having being born too devil mother and a human father he had a very interesting childhood basically making him incredibly anti social due to being as most people would call him a freak, then as you can imagine a lot of traumatic stuff happens and now he's a devil hunter dubbed the bogeyman


Superhuman Strength, speed, endurance the works this is what comes form him being half devil

As for his others powers well I'm going to leave that as a surprise

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