Little Busters

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Name: Haku Inohara Nickname: Haku-chan, Haku-Kun, Age: 16-17 (same age as most of the cast) Height: 5,0Personality: much like his brother Masato inohara he is nice but unlike him he's a massive introvert, he just doesn't have as much energy Backst...

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Name: Haku Inohara
Nickname: Haku-chan, Haku-Kun,
Age: 16-17 (same age as most of the cast)
Height: 5,0
Personality: much like his brother Masato inohara he is nice but unlike him he's a massive introvert, he just doesn't have as much energy
Backstory: like his brother he was bullied but for his androgynous looks and short height so much like him he decided to train but due to being shorter and weaker he went the martial arts route and while his brother became amazingly strong he become more of a skilled fighter so much that he could rival his brother and keigo he became close to Rin and kyosuke and Riki and had an interesting sibling relationship with Rin due to them being the most physically similar
But when he entered school he got very close to kuragaya because she thought he was very cute and this lead them to get close sometimes resulting in him getting dressed up by kuragaya most of the time consisting of girl clothes this lead her to call him haku-chan as a cute nickname

Twin Brother- Mastato inohara
Best friend- Rin
Sort of Girlfriend-Yuiko Kuragaya
Other close friends are of course the rest of the little busters

That's my little busters fanfiction

He wears the school uniform like everyone else

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