
45 0 6

3rd Person

4:32 p.m Rink-O-Mania

Mike pulled away from El and smiled, smiled bigger then he ever had before. El was also smiling too, they're friends had came over and cheered for the two.

"Do you want to go on a date, after school, Wednesday?" Mike asked, he already had enough confidence to kiss her, why not ask her out on a date.

El nodded excitedly "Yes! I'd love to go on a date with you" He smiled and so did she, which lead to the two kissing again.

"Hey, where did Will go?" Dustin asked looking over towards their table to see no Will in sight.

Mike looked over as well and rose his brow "I don't know, maybe he went to the bathroom?" They all shrugged it off and decided to continue.

Dustin was worried though and decided to leave the floor, excusing himself from Suzie and going to find Will.

He first went to the bathroom, maybe Mike was right.

"Will?" Dustin called his name as he entered the possibly empty bathroom, He looked down at the stalls and saw Will, he sighed and knocked on the stall door.

"Will, are you okay?" He heard a sniffle and then shuffling before the stall clicked open and Dustin saw Will now sitting on the toilet.

"What's wrong?" Dustin asked getting down in front of Will and looking at his tear stained cheeks.

Will didn't know what to say, he couldn't tell Dustin the reason why he was crying, but then again, what excuse could he possibly make up to get out of this situation?

He took a deep breath and looked Dustin in the eyes "If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone, ever?" Dustin looked back at Will confused but then nodded sticking out his pinkie finger.

"I pinkie promise" Will giggled a bit and stuck out his pinkie, linking his with Dustin's. He took a deep breath before telling him.

"I like Mike, Like I like like Mike" Dustin looked at Will for a moment before smiling "I'm pretty sure we all knew" "Dustin!" Will swatted at his arm making him giggle before moving back just a bit.

"Okay, so why are you crying?" Will then sighed again "Mike...kissed El" Dustin remembered and sighed "I'm sorry Will..."

Will shook his head "It's not like me and Mike were ever going to be a thing anyway, he doesn't like boys, he's not weird like me..." Dustin shook his head "you're not weird for liking a boy Will."

Will sighed "Yea I am, it's wrong" Dustin stood and put his hands on Will's shoulders, Will looking up at the boy.

"You are not weird for liking a boy, you can't help yourself, love is love dude" Will nodded before sniffling again "But, Mike did ask El on a date" Will nodded turning away biting his lip to stop any sobs.

"I figured" Dustin turned away and then back to Will "You know...there are better guys then Mike" Will shook his head "I don't care, I just want Mike..."

Dustin nodded "Well, I promise you'll be okay, the best you can do is be there to support him" Will nodded "Thank you Dustin" Will stood up as Dustin smiled and pulled Will into a hug.

☆Somewhere Only We Know☆-BylerWhere stories live. Discover now