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3rd person

12:24 p.m. Hawkins High

  It was the next day and Mike and Will were sat in their third period, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Is it Makayla?" Mike asked and Will sighed "No, it isn't" Mike groaned "Is it Molly?" Will shook his head, Mike sucking his teeth.

"Who the hell could it possibly be then! We've literally said every girl in the school that has an M in her name!" Will sighed, "Then just drop it Mike."

The bell rang and they both left walking to their lockers and grabbing their things for the next class.

"Come on Will, I'm your best friend, you know you can tell me anything" Will sighed "It's not about that Mike, nobody knows who I like, not even my mom, I'm not telling anyone."

Mike rose his brow "It can't be that serious Will, I've told you everyone I've liked" Will sighed "that's cause you only liked one girl Mike, and Phoebe Cates doesn't count, we all know she's pretty."

Will closed his locker as Mike followed along "Will, please I won't tell anyone" Will groaned and turned to Mike "Just drop it Mike!" Mike stood shocked as Will yelled, turning a couple heads.

"I don't want to tell anyone, and I especially, don't want to tell you" Mike just stood shocked, as Will began to walk away to their fourth period.

"Why was Will yelling at you?" El asked as she came over to Mike and hugged him from behind, Mike rested his hands on El's and sighed "He really didn't want me to know who he likes..."

El rose her brow as Mike turned around and placed his lips on hers "it doesn't matter though, he's been a little cranky recently so...yea..."

The two of them walked to class, The last class was gym, the whole party had this class, but they also had their bullies in this class.

"Hey Fairy Boy!" Troy yelled grabbing a dodge ball from the floor and smirking before throwing it straight at Will, Will caught that ball and sighed.

"Maybe don't throw so weak, maybe I wouldn't be able to catch it" Will then threw the ball right back a Troy, hitting his stomach.

"Fuck you!" Will smirked rolling his eyes and grabbing another dodge ball hitting a different kid. "When did you get so good at dodgeball?" Mike asked and Will looked over shrugging a bit.

The game went on for a couple more minutes before it ended and everyone went to the locker rooms.

"You did great out there Will!" Dustin said smiling and Will smiled back "Thanks, I guess something came over me cause I usually suck" Soon enough Dustin had left to his locker and it was just Will sitting on the bench.

Once the bell rang everyone was piling out of the school, Will was walking along ready to meet up with his friends, but then someone had pulled him by the backpack straps and threw him against the wall.

He looked up grabbing his head seeing Troy, and his other friend James. "You thought you'd get away with hitting me Fairy?" Will was no scared, there was no teachers around to stop this, there was nothing.

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