
68 1 14

3rd person
《7:34 p.m. The Byers' Residents》

"Will! Someone's here for you!" Joyce said as Will sat at his desk drawing pictures of Mike.

"Coming!" He wondered who it could be this late, it was about 1 and a half hours from bed time.

Will left his room and there in the living room sat Mike, Once Mike saw Will he stood with a big smile "I have to tell you something!" Will smiled as Mike took his hand and led him back to his bed room.

Once they got there Mike leapt onto the bed and giggled, Will went to his desk and closed his book stuffing it into his drawer so Mike didn't see the drawing.

"You'd not believe what I'm about to say!" Will smiled sitting down on the bed and looking to Mike "What is it?" "I know it's literally only been a day but I definitely have a crush on El!"

Will's smile faded a bit but he still tried to keep it on his face "Oh, well I definitely knew that already..." Mike sat up and crossed his legs smiling super big.

"After Max left, me and her talked as I walked her home and I loved it! She's just so smart and cute and pretty! she's also really good at math! cause I asked her to help with my math homework before I left and she helped me in like 5 minutes!"

Will nodded "I'm good with math" Mike giggled rolling his eyes "Yea but not as good as her she's amazing!" Will turned away from Mike feeling hurt "So you for sure have a crush on her?" Mike nodded "For sure! she's everything I've ever wanted in a girl!"

The more Mike said the more Will hurt "Anyways...I think we go to castle Byler" Will turned back to Mike and smiled and then Mike smiled back "I knew you seemed a bit off and I knew that would cheer you up! come on, I've got new batteries for the flashlights!"

Will smiled as they both stood and walked out of Will's room and too the woods where they ran to castle Byler.

Mike and Will both scurried inside taking down the flash lights and beginning to put in new batteries.

"You think she likes me back?" Once again Will was getting quite upset with Mike "I don't know, probably" Mike giggled "I hope she does, gosh she's so pretty" Will turned to Mike and gave him a nasty look.

"Stop talking about her Mike, I'm done hearing it" Mike looked over and rose his brow "Why are you so heated about it Will?" "Cause! You've been talking about her all day! I just want it to be about me and you okay!?"

Will turned away and huffed loudly continuing to stick the batteries in "Okay Okay, I'm sorry, it can just be about you and me" Will turned to Mike to see him smiling softly. 

"I'm sorry I snapped it's just a bit annoying" Mike giggled "I'm sorry okay? I don't mean to be annoying" Will smiled "I know you don't it's just I'm tired of hearing about El."

Mike nodded "I see, say, you never have crushes, got anyone you fancy?" Mike said the last part in a british accent as Will blushed.

"No I d-don't have a crush on anyone" Mike smirked "You sure? You're blushing!" Mike then moved towards Will and being tickling him.

Will began giggling curling over "Stop! Mike stop!" "Not until you tell me who you have a crush on!" Will knew he couldn't say so he just had to suffer.

"No! I don't have one!" Will kept giggling and laughing as Mike giggled and laughed too. "Tell me who you have a crush on!" Will tried to wiggle away from Mike so he jerked his arm over.

Mike's hand slipped a bit making his arm fall to the side of Will's head and his other arm hold him up from falling on top of Will, Now Mike was sort of laying on top of Will trying to keep steady, inches from Will's face.

"So, you like no one?" Mike said with a smile as Will blushed so hard trying to turn away "I like no one I swear!" Mike sat up off of Will and smiled.

"Alright sure" Will tried to calm himself as his heart raced, he couldn't believe he was able to stop himself from kissing Mike right then and there, what is wrong with him?"

Mike then looked at his watch and sighed "I should probably get going, my mom's probably worried" Will nodded as Mike went to the front of castle Byler.

"Bye William! see you tomorrow!" Will giggled as Mike smiled and left. Will laid down and sighed "Fuck, whats wrong with me?" Will covered his face as he continued to think about Mike.

"Stupid, stupid El...why the heck did she come here?" Will was now getting a bit mad, he wanted Mike to be thinking about him, not El.

He left castle Byler and went back inside "Why was Mike so happy honey?" Will groaned as his mom asked the question "He has a crush on the new girl" Joyce smiled "Oh that's nice for him, is the girl pretty?"

Will sighed even harder "Yea, yea pretty" Will went to his room and flopped on his bed turning over and shoving his face into his pillow.

After thinking about Mike and him for over an hour he got up and got ready for bed.

Once he finished he went to his room but then heard his walkie-talkie go off "Will are you there? Over." Will smiled hearing Mike's voice grabbing the walkie-talkie and responding.

"I'm here Over" "I just wanted to say goodnight! Over" Will smiled blushing "You're so dumb Mike, goodnight Over" "You're even stupider goodnight Willy Over" Will smiled setting his walkie-talkie to the side and getting under the covers.

He kept that smile on his face and the blush on his cheeks before he fell asleep.

Mike on the other hand turned to his side and stared to his wall smiling "Liking El might fix everything, I'll be normal again" Mike turned on his side beginning to think of El, smiling once again.

"Everything's gonna be okay now that she's here."

Word Count:1024

Time Finished:10:21

Authors Note: Sorry it literally took forever to get this out but I swear the next chapter will be better! I hate having stories where I have the ending ready before the beginning but yea! I hope there will be a chapter for IDTAFY soon but Idk anyways love ya'll- Jay

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