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3rd Person
《1976, 8:23 a.m. Hawkins Elementary school》

"Go on honey, you'll be fine!" Joyce Byers was encouraging her youngest son to walk into the doors of his new classroom.

Will Byers, Joyce's son was terrified, he didn't want to leave his mom and neither did he want to enter the school.

"I-I don't wanna go!" He turned to his mom feeling the tears build up in his eyes.

His mom smiled softly and got down to his height.

"Baby I promise that you will be perfectly fine, you'll only be here for a couple hours" Will sighed as his mom wiped his eyes.

"Your brother was just as scared as you were" Will looked up at his mom confused.

She chuckled a bit and rubbed Will's cheek with her thumb "he was terrified, just like you were, but he did it and I know you can too."

"How was Jonathan scared? He's the bravest person I know! Oh and also you" Joyce laughed "sometimes even the bravest of people have fears."

Will smiled "Now you should go in before you're late" Will turned around and looked into the classroom scared out of his mind.

"You'll be here when it's over?" Joyce nodded pulling her son into a hug "I'll always be here."

Will smiled and hugged onto Joyce tighter "Love you mom" the bell rang and Joyce pulled away standing up.

"I love you too Will" Joyce and a couple other parents walked away from the door to the classroom as other children began to go in.

Will took a big breath and walked into class.

《11:20 a.m. Hawkins Elementary school》

It was recess and every kid was running around the small playground laughing and playing with their new friends.

Except for Will, Will was on the swings kicking his legs back and fourth swinging slowly.

He looked up and at everyone playing and sighed, he knew Jonathan made many friends when he came here because he was telling Will all about it the day before.

With another sigh he put his head back down and continued swinging.

All of a sudden he heard the gravel crackling under a pair of feet.

He looked up and was met face to face with a boy.

The boy had curly black hair, freckles littered along his face and a big toothy grin. "Hi!" He said and Will couldn't help a half smile.

"Hello" he said and the boy stuck out his hand to Will "I'm Mike! What's your name?" Will was now fully smiling as he took Mike's hand "I'm Will."

Mike nodded "I saw you in class this morning and now I'm seeing you here, so I think it's fate! Do you want to be my friend?" Will's smile was growing more and more as he talked to Mike.

"Sure, I'll be your friend" Will and Mike both exchanged one last smile before Mike went around Will and to the back of him.

Will then felt Mike slightly push him foward and now he was fully swinging.

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