"(What's the commotion I'm hearing?)" Caleb addressed his sons through the family link.

"(We can't find Dirk...)" Tricc's voice cracked as he spoke, tears clouding his eyes.

"(You can use your bond to find him easily, Tricc, but in your current state, you won't succeed. Calm yourself and focus your emotions towards Dirk to locate him!)" Caleb instructed his tone firm yet gentle. "(Retrieve your mate before he encounters danger; I sensed a sign in the splitting moon last night...)" With those parting words, Caleb disconnected from the link.

Tricc's tears vanished instantly as he turned to his brothers, their expressions mirroring his. They understood the significance of the split moon.

"Dirk is pregnant?!" Seth and Kurt exclaimed simultaneously. "Find him, NOW!" they urged, prompting Tricc to nod. His eyes ablaze, hair bristling, and skin darkening to match his gaze, he sprinted off, shifting mid-stride. His brothers followed suit, aware of his destination.

Hang in there, sweetheart.


As the moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the dense forest, the Lycger brothers raced through the wilderness in their full Lycan forms. Their massive bodies surged with primal energy, muscles rippling beneath fur as they sprinted towards the abandoned warehouse where their mate was being held captive.

Seth, Kurt, and Tricc moved as one, their powerful paws pounding against the earth, their breath forming clouds in the cool early morning air. Their senses were heightened, every rustle of leaves, every distant howl, guiding them towards their beloved mate.

The forest enveloped them in a cloak of shadows, the trees whispering ancient secrets as the brothers navigated the tangled undergrowth with ease. Dawn filtered through the canopy above, illuminating their path as they drew closer to their destination.

The scent of fear and desperation wafted through the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest. Tricc's keen senses picked up on the subtle nuances, leading them unerringly towards the warehouse where Dirk was being held.

As they approached the decrepit building, the brothers slowed their pace, their jaws clenched in determination. The scent of their mate, mingled with the acrid stench of decay and neglect, assaulted their nostrils as they circled the perimeter, searching for a way in.

"How does he find these horrible places?!" Grunted Kurt as he surveyed the surroundings. "It's him right?" He asked, facing Tricc who nodded.

"He smells different... vampire?!" Seth seethed. "Floridia!" He growled.

"Is dead," Tricc disclosed and they shot him a worried glance.

"What?" Both Seth and Kurt asked.

"They killed her... and Kurt, both Victoria and Erik, need to be dealt with, this time, make sure they're both dead, and bring me their hearts!"

"Right after we have taken Malta's heart," Kurt told them.

With a silent nod, Tricc took the lead, his massive frame poised for action. His brothers flanked him, their eyes gleaming with feral intensity as they prepared to rescue their mate at any cost.

The warehouse loomed before them, a crumbling fortress of forgotten dreams and lost hopes. Broken windows stared like empty eyes, and the creak of metal echoed through the night as the brothers approached the entrance.

Without hesitation, Tricc lunged forward, his claws tearing through rusted metal as he forced open a side door. The brothers slipped inside, the darkness enveloping them like a shroud as they prowled through the maze-like corridors.

Their ears pricked at the faint sound of a heartbeat, rapid and panicked, leading them deeper into the heart of the warehouse. The scent of their mate grew stronger, a beacon in the darkness that guided them towards him.

Finally, they burst into the dimly lit chamber, the air thick with the stench of malice, the three double-shifters arrived with a wrathful purpose. Their hearts pounded in sync, and their primal instincts heightened as they neared the place where their Mate was held captive by the sinister clutches of Malta.

As they pushed open the heavy doors, the sight that met their eyes sent a surge of unbridled fury coursing through their veins. There, shackled and battered, was Dirk—their beloved, their other half, and their pregnant mate. A mixture of anguish and rage welled up within them, their normally composed expressions twisted into masks of wrath.

Seth, the eldest of the triplets, bared his teeth in a feral snarl. His piercing gaze, usually filled with warmth and wisdom, now emanated an inferno of righteous anger. The sight of Dirk, vulnerable and broken, ignited a fire within him that threatened to consume everything in its path. No force in the world could quell his determination to exact vengeance upon Malta.

Kurt, the calm and calculating one, felt his control slip away like sand through clenched fists. His hands trembled, yearning to unleash the wrath that burned within him. The sight of Dirk's injuries, inflicted by the vile hands of Malta, shattered his composure. A tempest of fury surged through his veins, a storm seeking retribution.

Trric, the fierce and fearless of the triplets, emitted a low, guttural growl that reverberated through the chamber. His eyes blazed with an intensity that could rival the very fires of hell. The sight of their Mate, who embodied their strength and love, subjected to such cruelty stoked a primal rage within him. Malta's name would be etched in blood as he exacted a price for the pain inflicted upon Dirk.

In that charged moment, the Alphas shared an unspoken bond, their collective anger merging into an unstoppable force. Their love for Dirk, their Mate, surged through their veins like a torrent, intertwining with their fury. They stood united, their presence radiating palpable energy, as they prepared to confront Malta with a vengeance that would shake the foundations of their world.

Dirk's voice was weak but filled with relief at the sight of his mates. "You came..." his words trailed off as he tried to summon the strength to lift his head and see the faces of his Alphas.

Malta smirked, his eyes glinting with sick pleasure. "I see the mighty Alphas have finally arrived. But it's too late to save your precious mate," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom.

"Malta!" They seethed.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora