Second family and a little hope( Part ii)

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Macau's pov :

Someone has attacked us when we were driving towards the hospital.  There were two cars that take down our bodyguards car that was behind us . One car tried to overtake  our car our driver suddenly stopped the car . P clenched her gun and told me to look after Chay but I was reluctant to let her go  alone so I asked the driver to look after Chay and ran to help P . There were  15 guards against 2 of us. They chuckled seeing us being greatly outnumbered but  during combat we were able to  beat them to pulp . Now P and I were the one to have the last laugh . Both P and I were moving towards the car when suddenly one of those beaten up bastard took a gun and shoot towards me and P . P's reaction was faster then me so she shielded me from the impact and took the shoot for me .she asked me " Are you ok little one". The next moment I all I saw was blood coming out from P's body her body falling on the ground  . I caught her body before she could hit the ground. Tears of sorrow was following through my eyes . I asked her  tremblingly " Why did you even protect me ? You think I am weak isn't ? I should have protected  you ? What would I do if anything happens to you P ."

P  smiled and  caressed my cheek with her blood stained hands and said " I protected you not because you are weak but because you are my little one how can I   let those bastards hurt my little one . Don't worry about me I will be fine . Just take  to the car so that we can take Chay to the hospital  I will also take some medication from there . " . After that I took P to the car Chay was scared seeing her condition like that then also after being injured she assured Chay  that she is alright . 

When we reached the hospital P  all the staff was prepared already as our bodyguard has already informed about the condition . P  was immediately bandaged and  Chay was taken to the operation treater. P immediately went to Chay side after 1 hour of the pain came Chay's  daughter . but due to some medical complications we have to wait another hour to wait for Chay's son . During all this time  P melantha was the side of Chay comforting and encouraging him.

Chay's pov: 

This pain was killing me this time more then ever I miss P Kim I hope he would come and comfort me .  When I saw P covered in blood I was very much scared as I don't want to lose my new family .  I don't want to feel lonely again . I need p Melantha by my side. When she looked at me she understood me and began to comfort me saying " I am alright little one I am not going anywhere ". After saying this she hugged me lightly giving me the warmth that I am needing the most at the moment  suddenly I feel the pain in my belly increase suddenly I tightly grapped P's hand and she let patted my head .

As soon as I reach the hospital P said to me " Little one just give P sometime I will be right back ." saying that she left me with some nurses and Macau .Macau was trying to console me but right now at this moment I really needed P Kim . I want him to hold my and comfort me assure me it's gonna be alright . I want him to hold our children  when they are born .But I  know its not gonna happen. At this moment I realize that love is like a beautiful glass that is made up of trust , affection , care and concern  but once even 1 of these components is  gone the relationship is bond to break and that glass will break . But even  when you want to move forward these scattered pieces of glass will bleed you  . It is difficult to love but more difficult to move forward . Even  the mere memory of this relation will bleed you all over again. that why today I want P Kim even when I  hate him I need and want him here . I feel more powerless . 

Then at the moment I was about to got lost in these  thought s I felt  someone holding me .  I looked it was none other than P she  patted my head and said " It's ok little one its normal that you want your boyfriend even when he hurt you I know you still love him .  Its ok for a person to be weak but little one never be  weak in front of your dear ones children as they depend on you .I know my Braveheart you  will be a excellent parent so now you can't back out . I am eager to meet my niece and nephew . 

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