23.Who's Back

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Avantika was in a deep sleep, her face adorned with her usual innocent smile. It seemed as though she was lost in a dream. She was completely unaware......

That .....


was sitting.....

beside her...

constantly gazing ....

at her face.....

with a devilish smile....

Two eyes had been staring at her for quite some time. The person sitting next to her bed, gently caressed her cheeks with his hand. She felt a bit of disturbance, and changed sides, she turned her face the other way, then fell asleep again.

A wicked smile appeared on the person's face... He traced his fingers lightly on Avantika's neck while holding a knife in his other hand.

"Now wake up, my dear... Look who has come to meet you?" And then, using his fingers, he began to write something on her neck. With each touch of that person, Avantika's sleep had begun to lighten.

She could feel this touch, she slowly opened her eyes, wanting to turn around and see, but she suddenly realised... how can someone enter her room so early in the morning?

A current of fear ran down her body. Is it a thief? She couldn't understand how she should react. She was afraid. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't gather the courage to do so.

She thought that if she woke up & reacted, the person might harm her. Out of fear, she closed her eyes more tightly and pretended to be asleep. In a soft voice, the intruder spoke while continuing to write with his fingers on her neck,

"I.... L....O....V....E.....I...S...H...A...A...N"

Hearing this, she was stunned, her heart began to beat faster, she understood who it was. She wanted it to be a dream, she didn't want to look at him.

But having no other option, she slowly got up and looked back... Sitting next to her was none other than Rohan...

With a knife in his hand and a sinister smile on his face as he stared at Avantika... The smell of alcohol was emanating from him.

Avantika felt as though her blood turned to ice, seeing Rohan in such a state. Her limbs became numb. Rohan kept smiling as he looked at her, but there was a fiery rage in his eyes. As if he was ready to eat her alive.

Avantika couldn't find the words to speak, she was in a state of shock, trying to figure out what was going to happen next, it was something that Rohan had done several times before.

But the anger in his eyes today was something she had never seen before.

Gathering some courage and breaking her silence, she said, "R...Ro...Rohan, you're here?" trying to hide her fear and appear normal.

Rohan took her hand in his and said, "Were you expecting someone else? Someone else who has started to appeal to you... Someone else who wants to keep you away from me?"

As he said this, he took her right hand in his and began to press it with all his strength.

Avantika tried to pull her hand away, saying, "What are you saying? Can there be anyone else other than you?" and she lowered her eyes.

The beast inside Rohan was slowly coming out & with the frequency of his voice gradually increasing  ... He twisted Avantika's arm, resulting in a scream full of pain, "Rohan... please, it's hurting.."

Taking the knife in his hand closer to Avantika's neck, he angrily said, "It's hurting? Bitch, do you know how much pain I'm in because of you?"

A drop of sweat dripped from Avantika's forehead, she was trembling in fear, she stammered, "Rohan, I...I... I don't understand what you're saying."

"Don't act so innocent ... I know everything about you and that bastard Ishaan..." Rohan growled.

"Rohan, what you're thinking is not true..." Avantika tried to explain to him. Bam... there was a loud noise, Rohan slapped Avantika hard on her face, "Ouchh..." a scream came out of her mouth as she fell on the bed.

"Shut up... Shut the f#$*up. If you say another word, you can't imagine what I am going to do ," Rohan screamed in anger.

Grabbing her phone from the bed he said, "I went out for a few days, and you're flirting with him behind my back, you bloody slut, I won't spare you and that f***er  Ishaan."

Avantika whimpered, "Rohan... trust me, I haven't done anything like that... you're suspecting me for no reason..."

"Oh really? Then what's this, bitch?" Rohan showed Avantika the chats between her and Ishaan from last night.

"That...that's..." Avantika didn't know how to give an explanation to Rohan...

Rohan thundered, "I am missing you... let's go on a coffee date. You were clinging to him so much at the party last night, weren't you? You were doing all this, while I was away?"

Avantika just tried to explain to him, when he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back onto the bed, he was pressing hard on her throat, Avantika was struggling to get free, but she couldn't do anything against Rohan's strength.

"From now on, if I see you with that bastard, I'll make your life worse than hell, don't even dare to think about anyone else besides me, understood?"

Saying this, he let go of Avantika's throat, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief. It became difficult for her to breathe, she took some deep breaths and tried to get up from the bed.

Struggling to get up, she tried to explain to Rohan, "Ro...Roh...Rohan... it's not like what you're thinking... I only love..."

Before she could complete her sentence, Rohan pushed her forcefully again, this time she collided with the table in the corner of her bedroom, the collision made a loud noise, and a faint scream escaped from Avantika's mouth, she touched her forehead and saw that blood was flowing from it.

By now, Naina had also woken up, she too heard the sound of Avantika's collision with the table. She got scared and ran towards Avantika's bedroom.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Rohan with a knife in his hand, and blood was flowing from Avantika's forehead.

Seeing all this, she screamed loudly, "Avantika...!!! What the hell is going on...?".

Rohan's attention shifted towards Naina. He angrily told her, "Naina, don't interfere, this is a matter between the two of us..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Naina picked up the hockey stick placed in Avantika's bedroom and warned Rohan,

"You bastard... If you even try touching her, I will break your mouth. Get out of here right now, or I'll call the police."

Rohan understood that it's not right for him to stay here at the moment. Things could go worse if Naina actually called the police.

He stared angrily at Naina and said, "This is not over... I won't let go of this so easily." Naina indicated with the hockey stick to leave. Saying this, and looking at Naina with a threatening gaze, he left the room.

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