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TW:Abuse,weed,alcohol,bullying,sexual assault

~Sam's POV~

My alarm blared through my ears as I knew I had to get up for school,honestly I hated school getting bullied isn't the best there no escape from the abuse is there? Mom abuses me here and at school it's even more worse.

I got up silently the house stank of weed it was normal sure but it absolutely stinks and I hate it. I hoped into the shower trying not to be to loud then I got ready,I had multiple bruisings and cuts from last night. Mom really got me last night huh?

I got into grey jeans and an oversized hoodie,it made me look like a girl which I hated. I hate how no matter what hoodie I put on it's always oversized never the perfect size. I was putting the shampoo and conditioner away but then it dropped out of my hand.

I froze. Panic rushed through my body as I knew mom was now awake.I heard her angry footsteps make her way into my room,she opened the bathroom door and smacked my head off the sink. She hit me a couple of times as well as kicking me in the stomach.


I grabbed my school bad and completely forgot that blood was pouring from the side of my head,I started to get dizzy but ran to school I was 10 minutes late and everyone was staring at me. "Sam-Omg! Dear What happened?!" The teacher asked and if students weren't paying attention then they definitely were now.

"N-nothing I-I j-Just t-tripped" I stuttered walking to my seat and my knee immediately started bouncing and my breathing was off. My breathing quickened as sweat poured down my face.

The teacher noticed this and came over to me "hunny breathe...your okay I promise come with me" she said holding her hand out,I took her hand ignoring all of the mumbles about me from the class. She sat me down on a bench as I covered my hands with my stomach in pain.

"Your okay I promise I'm sorry I said in front of everyone but it was really concerning let me actually take you to the nurse" she said,she poked her head into the class saying "right all of you do your work I need to do something" before taking my hand and leading me to the nurse.

"Sam. Again? What happened now-omg! Sit down" the nurse said sitting me on the bed,my head was spinning and my words were all slurred no matter what she said I couldn't make out her sentences.

Before I knew it cold water was thrown over my face,it woke me up and I could see a lot better. "Sam you need to tell us how this happened" the nurse asked "I just tripped on the way to school and smacked my head off the concrete" I said as sweat poured down my face.

"Okay and who walked to school with you today?" The nurse asked typing away "No one miss..." I said. They told me I was free to go but I was just praying that I didn't get-

I was grabbed and pushed into the restrooms. Josh and his friends were standing tall over me,they all started laughing as they kicked me punched me did absolutely whatever they wanted to do to me.

By the time they were finished I had bruises all over my stomach,legs and my face. I sat there defeated until Colby came in,he ran over to me and sat me on the sinks. "Yo what happened?" He asked cleaning the blood off my nose "I-I tripped..." I stuttered looking down in shame.

Colby grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Not tolerating that bullshit. Who did it. I need names." Colby said running a hand through my hair "J-Josh...and his friends" I finally said,Colby brushed his thumb across my cheek as he walked me to my next class.

SAM ANGSTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora