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♥︎Sam's POV♥︎

I was doing so many things at once. I was helping Colby one second,then I'm with Katrina,then I'm at Jakes,then I'm editing. I'm only helping them out so I don't mind but it's really affecting me.

I was filming a video with Jake and Johnnie right now and we were in target but I suddenly felt really dizzy. I brushed it off and continued shopping with them.

"Imagine shoving this up your ass" Jake asked holding an eggplant,me and Johnnie looked at each other and started laughing. "Jake that's fucking disgusting" I said "What! It was just a question mannn" Jake said putting it back.

After we finished the video my checked my phone and saw Katrina messaged me. She wanted help. I said bye to Jake and Johnnie then ran to Kat's house. "Omg thank you for coming I'm trying to throw a surprise party but it's going terribly" she laughed.

"It's alright who's it for?" I asked "Stas? Sam you did remember her birthday is tomorrow right?" Kat asked putting up banners. "Yeah...yeah I knew that" I said scratching the back of my head,Kat laughed as I helped her blow up the balloons.

After that was done Kat hugged me and said thank you then I went home. "Hey Sam! Just in time for dinner you eating with us?" Jake said as him Corey Elton and Colby were sitting around the table.

"I'll eat later I have a shit ton of editing to do and I'm also really tired so I might just take a nap" I said walking up to my room. I through myself onto the bed as i got mine and Colby's laptop out,I started editing our newest video it was 3 hours and I was working really slowly.

I room a few pills to keep me awake and energised as well as making a cup of coffee. It was now 3:33am and Colby came into my room (obviously just waking up) he sat next to me and just wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you okay?" I asked still editing,Colby closed the laptop and placed it next to him. "Um." I said clearly confused as shit "Sleep Sam" he said "Colbs I'm not tired" I laughed slightly. "Can I stay in here?" Colby asked "of course you can" I said.

Hey Sam could you come help me
Tomorrow I know your probably asleep but
Kat told me I have to be out for a few hours.

Yeah of course I can I'll take you out
For your birthday?

OMG! You'd do that?!

Yeah of course!
It's your birthday I'll take you out
I haven't got you a birthday present yet

Sammmm don't worry you taking me out
For my birthday is enough!

Obviously not in a boyfriend way just as
A birthday treat <3


Get some sleep Stas I'll come pick you up
At 12:30?
Is that okay?


Okay. So I'm taking Stas out 12:30. That means I have to leave at 12:20 because it takes 10 minutes to get to her house,but that also depends on traffic. Wait. I have to help Elton with something at 10 then Corey at 11.

All I have to do is not get distracted. "Sam relax...I can feel you getting all tense" Colby said his eyes closed,I shook my head and grabbed the laptop as I continued editing.

The video was now done! Thank fuck...it's 6am. I carefully moved Colby off of me,he was laying on my stomach,then I walked downstairs and started cooking for the roommates. I made eggs bacon and toast 4 rounds of it, "Jake,Corey,Elton,Colby" I said counting the plates.

SAM ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now