➶︎Kicked Out➶︎

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~Sam's POV~

I've been stuck in my mind left right and Center,I can't focus on editing and Colby's getting mad at me. Everyone's getting annoyed at me,I don't leave my room,I don't film with them,I don't do anything for them anymore...

I don't mean it I really don't...I just I don't even know what I'm doing with my life.

I got up off the bathroom floor looking at my freshly cut arms,I've been doing this for a few months. My arms were covered in scars or cuts I'm surprised no one got even close to suspicious,I wrapped a bandage around my arms the cuts were a lot deeper this time.

I slide on a hoodie,the sleeves going over my hands,and I just laid on my bed. My room was a mess it never was before,I had cups,leftover and moody food everywhere,clothes all on the floor or even just cans.

I laid On my bed pondering. Do the roommates care? Do they think about me? Do they hate me? If they think any of that it came expected so I wouldn't be so surprised,my arms started to go numb usually that would feel good but this was different.

I ignored it I didn't care what happened to me at this point. I heard someone coming upstairs and wiped my eyes then made sure my sleeves were rolled down. Colby opened the door. "Of course. Come downstairs" he said grabbing my wrist and dragging me downstairs.

Colby threw me onto the couch as all the roommates studied me. "You haven't edited the videos we asked you to. You haven't been doing things for us. You haven't been doing shit. All you do is fucking lay in bed and do nothing! YOUR SO LAZY AND IM FUCKING DISAPPOINTED TO CALL YOU MY BEST FRIEND." Colby hit me.

That's right. Colby. Cole Robert Brock. My best friend. Just hit me.

"Pack your things and leave." Elton said "but-I have nowhere to go!" I said Elton punched me. "I.SAID.PACK.THEN.LEAVE." He shouted,Jake grabbed me and my cuts started hurting more. He threw me into my room and I just grabbed a backpack.

I packed a hoodie then some headphones and a blade I had loads more around my room but I only need one. I walked downstairs and Colby threw me onto the ground It was raining,I ran and ran until I was about to pass out.

I sat near an old abandoned supermarket. I fell to my knees as I sat down and just curled up in the corner,I was so tired my body was numb. There was no shelter over my head so I just got wet and I was so cold. I put on the hoodie I took with me but that didn't help very much.

I was shivering and I wanted to go find another place but my legs wouldn't hold me up. I took out my blade and started slicing my arms I didn't feel anything since it was so cold and I was already numb.

I started blacking out.

~Colby's POV~

After we kicked Sam out we all looked at each other. "Did he deserve that?" Corey asked "Yeah he's a shit friend" Jake said Elton agreeing. I froze. I Hit him. I Hit sam. The look on his face. I fell back into the wall,all of the roommates ran over to me.

"Are you okay dude?!" Jake asked grabbed my hand pulling me back up and putting me on the couch. "Yeah I'm good...I hit Sam" I told them breaking down crying,they all hugged up to me. "Calm down man he deserved it he was being a shitty person don't feel bad" Corey said.

I walked up to Sam's room and was covered in a heavy weight of sadness and anger. I looked around his room there was shattered glass on the floor,he had moldy food everywhere,cans,clothes everywhere. I looked around more and found a...


I shut my eyes tight hoping this wasn't what I was thinking. Of course it was I'm a fucking idiot. I ran into his bathroom and started throwing open cabinets finding empty bottles of pills and more blades.

"No no no no" I said grabbing all the blades and throwing them away,I ran downstairs and the roommates looked at me. "We-I ME need to find Sam." I said grabbing a jacket and calling out Sam's name.

"SAM! SAM! PLEASE THIS ISNT FUNNY" I shouted running in the rain. I came across a creepy looking abandoned place and looked around it only to see Sam...pale and passed out. I broke down crying at the sight of my best friend who I didn't notice was struggling.

I picked him up and holy shit he was light. I ran back home with him and Elton looked at me worried. "What the fuck...?" Jake said running up to me and feeling Sam,they all looked at me. I ran to his room and laid him on the bed holding him in my arms.

I broke down crying again. I didn't know. I feel so stupid. I felt something grip my t-shirt to relise it was Sam. "C-Colby..." he said almost like a whisper "I'm here Sammy..." I said he held onto my tighter and I hugged him.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't notice then you...fuck I'm sorry sam I really am I don't know what the fuck I was thinking or doing" I said,sam looked at me and smiled. I don't know how he can still smile after everything he's been through.

"It's fine don't worry" he said Elton came up and put some food in front of Sam. "No no no I'm not doing that that's beyond a fucking joke." He said bringing his knees up to his chest,I tried to hold his hand but he just moved away. "S-sam? It's just food?" Elton said,sam started breathing heavily and fell off the bed.

I picked him up and sat him in my lap "Shhhh it's okay your okay" I said sam calmed down and just laid down. "Sam you gotta eat man..." Elton said "NO IM NOT FUCKING EATING THAT SHIT IS DISGUSTING MY BODY IS DISGUSTING AND FAT I DONT WANT TO EAT AND IM NOT GOING TO" Sam shouted tears now falling down his cheeks.

Elton left and Sam just collapsed. "I fuck everything up! I-I didn't mean to shout...Colby I need help...I'm destroyed." Sam said,I felt my chest go numb. "S-Sam your not destroyed...you may need help and that's perfectly okay we can get you the help but your also going to have to work with us...meaning you need to try and eat you need to try and do things it'll take a long time but your going to have to work with us okay?" I told him.

Sam nodded.

"Just rest for now but in the morning we're gonna try and eat something okay?" I said "okay" Sam said laying in my arms. I smiled as he closed his eyes,soft snores coming out of his mouth.

~Sam's POV~

I woke up around 10:30am and Colby was on his phone looking at...my instagram? I smilied. He noticed I was awake and just hugged me "Good morning" he laughing bringing my a bowl a cereal. I looked at it for a little before eating a bit of it then feeling a burning sensation in my throat.

"Here have some water" Colby gave me some water I downed it but my throat was still burning I didn't think anything of it but Colby was worried. "Don't worry this happens a lot" I said putting a smile on,Colby tried to smile but it broke.

After the next few months I was put into therapy and I was diagnosed with;depression,severe anxiety,insomnia and anorexia. When I found out I thought I failed in life. Colby was there through all of my worst moments and best moments.

"Colby thank you honestly from the bottom of my heart I fucking love you. I've been difficult and you've just took by my side I'm proud to call you my best friend" I said leaning on his shoulder as we watched the sunset. "I love you so much more Sam" he said holding my hand.

It was sam and Colby versus the world.

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