➶︎Family Problems➶︎

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~Sam's POV~

I've never gotten on with my parents or anyone in my family actually. I'm 17 years old and honestly I stay locked up in my room most of the time,if I go downstairs I'll get screamed at so I just stay upstairs.

"SAM FUCKING CLEAN THE HOUSE OMG YOUR SO DAMN LAZY" mom came in and shouted,she looked around my room "THIS ROOM IS DISGUSTING" she shouted "VLEAN IT UP" she slammed my door.

I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew if I didn't then I would just be hit. I dragged myself out of bed immediately falling over from my body being so weak. I started picking up all my clothes and just tossing them onto my bed,they were off my floor she can't complain.

I walked (stumbled) downstairs to see my older sister and younger brother sitting at the table doing colouring together. I sat next to Allison (my other sister) and she smiled at me,Ben (my younger brother) he started crying.

That's when mom ran into and grabbed me y the wrist. She threw me in my room and onto the floor as she just looked down at me. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A SHIT BROTHER?! DOES SEEING YOU BROTHER CRY MAKE YOU HAPPY?!" She shouted hitting me hard.

"N-no..." I stuttered as tears ran down my face,she punched me in the stomach and that took an affect considering I was already in a bad condition. She left and I laid on my floor clenching my stomach as I threw up all over myself.

I sighed knowing I would have to clean myself up. I didn't want to do that I didn't have the energy to change,I started crying out of defeat. Allison came in and gasped. "Should I call Colby?" She asked I shook my head rapidly. "N-no..." I said my voice all raspy,she picked me ip and placed me on the bathroom floor.

"Wait there sweetie I'm gonna get you some clean clothes"she said going in my closet I nodded as I felt so sick and disgusting. "Here put these on" she said leaving,I put the clean clothes on and just felt exhausted. I put the dirty clothes in my laundry basket.

I laid on my bed and just stared at the ceiling well that was until my mom came into my room and dragged me downstairs. "SO NOW YOU HIT YOUR BROTHER AS WELL?!" She shouted "W-what?" I asked looking over to Ben.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU EVEN TOUCH YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IM CALLING THE COPS" she shouted hitting me while grabbing her phone. "W-WAIT MOM WHAT?! I-I DIDNT D-DO ANYTHING." I shouted my voice all shaky from panicking.

"SAMUEL SHUT THE FUCK UP" she shouted punching me,blood shot out of my nose when I realised Ben was watching all of this. I picked him up and cuddled him but he was grabbed out of my arms. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH MY SON THE COPS ARE ON THEIR WAY" she shouted taking Ben upstairs.

"M-MOM I DIDNT DO A-ANYTHING" I said my eyes filled with tears as I was breaking down. I sat in the corner of my room having a mental breakdown I grabbed the sharpest thing and put it against my skin.

That was when the cops busted down my door I dropped the piece of glass as they looked at me and my shaking body. "Kid...sit down" one of them said I sat down but anxiety rushed through me. "What happened" one of them asked pulling out a notebook,I tried to pull my sleeves down but the cop grabbed my arm.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shouted getting up they grabbed me but I starts kicking and screaming. I got out of their grasp and ran out of the house,I ran all the way to Colby's as I banged on the door. He answered and I ran into his house locking the door straight after then falling to the floor.

~Colby's POV~

Sam fell to the floor he looked...broken. I picked him up and brought him up to my room then cuddled him. "What happened Sam...?" I asked worried he was breathing heavily and his body was shaky as fuck.

"I-I...mom called the cops on me because she thought I hit Ben I didn't but then they came I was having a mental breakdown and I cut myself then she punched me in my stomach I've been starving myself for 2 weeks k can't get out of bed and yeah..." he said fast.

My mouth opened in shock as I just embraced him in a massive hug. "Shhh it's okay I got you sam..." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

After around 10 minutes I looked at Sam. His once bright blue eyes had turned to a dull grey,his face was pale,his blonde hair was darkening and his figure was a lot more slim than before.

I got up and grabbed some bandages and some antiseptic wipes. "Sam please can I?" I asked with tears in my eyes,he nodded. I gently grabbed his wrist and started bandaging the cuts up,once they were bandaged up I ran my thumb over the bandage and kissed it.

"These don't define you." I said he giggled with a few tears still on his face "Thats what I told you" he said I smiled. "I know and now im saying it to you. If the cops come here which they probably will your moms a bitch but if they do they won't take you okay?" I said holding Sam's hand.

He nodded as we heard a knock. I walked downstairs to see 2 cops at the door. "We know he's here...we need to take the kid he needs help" one said "No im not letting you take him he don't need he needs someone who cares for him and who understands what he's going through" I said.

"His mom?" One of them suggested,I rolled my eyes "Are you fucking stupid? His mom don't care his mom abuses him have you not seen the fucking bruise on his nose?" I said they looked at each other. "So who will look after him because if no one will-" "I will. I always have. I basically raised him. He would come here all the time when he was having a mental breakdown he's my best friend please...he's helped me through so much shit and I want to help him I know what's wrong I can fix it just please...don't take him away from me" I said tears streaming down my face.

"Alright. Calm down we won't take him. If you know what your doing fair but please if you can't help them get him to a mental hospital as quick as possible" they said walking back to their car. I locked the door and walked up to Sam to see him curled up with my teddy sleeping.

I smiled to myself and laid next to him carefully placing his head on my lap throwing the blankets over us.

~Sam's POV~

I woke up and I was being cuddled? I looked to see it was Colby and smiled I checked the time it was 8am...I'm so glad the police didn't take me yesterday all I need it Colby and I'll be fine I don't need no one else just my best friend.

Colby groaned and I giggled "Good morning sorry did I wake you?" I asked about to sit up but Colby kept my head on his chest. "No you didn't...Sam I love you. I want to help you and i can and I'm going to and no one's going to stop me" he said running his hand through my hair.

I giggled "I love you to..." I said he sat up and grabbed my hand taking me downstairs. "What would you like for breakfast Sam?" He asked I thought. "Ummm I don't know" I replied "How about some toast?" He suggested I nodded it was light it wasn't to much.

Colby put it on a plate and gave it to me. "Thank you" I said smiling "No problem Sam" he said I ate it and I felt so much more better. Colby smiled at me then hugged me "I'm so proud of you. You didn't deserve any of this." He said.

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