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"𝗠𝗬 𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘 is Drake Parker," a boy said, strumming his guitar.

"I'm Josh Nichols," another boy said.

"And I'm Savannah Dawson," a girl said, looking up from her journal.

Drake was playing his guitar, and said, "I should probably be doing my homework."

"I'm just doing a little homework here," Josh said with a smile.

Savannah put her head in her hands, bored. "I already finished my homework."

"But it's more fun to do this," Drake said, showing off his guitar skills.

The blonde rolled her eyes, hearing him from the next house over. "He always does that to impress the girls."

"Man I'm thirsty," all three of them said at the same time.

Drake took a sip from his glass bottle, Josh took a sip of milk, and Savannah took a sip of Dr. Pepper from her can.

Drake picked up his guitar again. "I live here with my mom and my little sister, Megan. Sometimes Savannah comes over and stays with us, too."

"I pretty much live with Drake," Savannah said, putting her pen down. "There's not a single moment where I would want to be home hearing," —she got quiet, listening to the sound of her parents arguing in the background— "that, when I could be living with him!"

"I got a great family, even though it's just me and my dad!" Josh said. "I love that guy."

"I love girls," Drake smirked, taking another sip of his drink. "Especially blonde ones that have no interest in me."

Savannah cleared her throat. "Drake doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just a dumb boy."

Drake rolled his eyes. "So my mom's been dating this guy."

"So, my dad's been dating this woman," Josh said. "She's really great."

"I heard Drake's mom was dating some dude. I hope he's good to her," Savannah smiled dreamily, wondering what it was like for a husband and wife to actually get along.

"He's...okay," Drake hesitated. "But he's got this kid that goes to my school."

"She has a son that goes to my school," Josh said, looking up from his homework.

Savannah scoffed. "Both boys go to my school. They're so stupid to not talk to each other when they see each other all the time because of their parents."

"Drake/Josh," all three said simultaneously.

"It's not that I have anything against Josh," Drake stuttered.

"He totally has something against him," Savannah chuckled.

Josh shrugged. "I really don't know Drake all that well."

"But he seems kinda..." the two boys said.

"Okay!" Josh smiled.

"...Unusual." Drake made a face.

Savannah twirled around in her chair. "I think Josh is pretty cool! I haven't talked to him enough to really know him, though." She then thought of the other boy. "And don't even get me started on Drake. He's...well he's Dumb Drake!" she said with a wide smile.

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"You staying over tonight?" Drake asked, walking to his front porch with Savannah right behind him.

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