Chapter 4 - It can't be...

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Shawn sighed a heavy breath that he'd been holding for sometime. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he'll hear this name again. The name that was the reason for his downfall, as well as his success. The name that changed him into a better human being. The name that taught him the biggest lessons in his life. The name that has never stopped beating in his heart. The name that he once loved with all his heart. The weight he carries in his heart for all these years is indescribable. The guilt, the regret of his actions has always made him feel like an unforgivable sinner for eternity. 

"Are you sure? It can't be..." Hunter trailed off, too shocked to form a proper sentence. He looked at Shawn who seemed to be in his own world, probably trying to put the pieces together. 

"It all makes sense. The date, the timeline, the place and lets not even get started with the similarities. It fits" Dwayne said, his thumbs fiddling each other. "All we need right now is a DNA test to confirm everything" 

Shawn's hands trembled. He was not ready for this. True, its been almost 21 years. But not one day has prepared him for this situation. He couldn't believe that he is gonna meet his worst nightmare.

"But if it confirms to be hers, then..." Shawn felt like he gulped a guff of sand down his throat as he tried to convey his thoughts. "... there is a possibility that it's... that Ayla is..."

"Yes" Dwayne understood what Shawn was trying to say. "It could be that way, or it could also be the other way"

Hunter rubbed his forehead, taking a moment process everything that Dwayne had just said. It was too much information. More likely, it was too hard for Hunter to accept it. More than thinking about who is the possible father of Ayla, he was too concerned on how Ayla is gonna accept it and how will she be after she got to know her real parents. Everything that Dwayne said made perfect sense. Even without a paternity test, Hunter was sure it could be the way Dwayne said but he wasn't ready to take it in. 

Hunter hasn't had a proper bonding with Ayla lately, given with accident, her issues with Maxon and her moving to college. He didn't want to pressurize Ayla as she already is. He knows she is already stressed out even without knowing about her career's status and that Hunter was the one who sent Maxon away. 

He just doesn't know how Ayla is gonna react about it. Will she be happy? Enlightened? Relieved? Or will she be sad? Stressed? How is she gonna take it in? If she is happy, will she leave him and go on to live with her real mother or father? Will she still want to live with Hunter? Will she still want to call him Daddy? The thought of the possibility that he might lose her, made him nervous. 

"Hunter!" Dwayne snapped in front of Hunter that seemed to be in his own world. 

Hunter blinked, muttering "huh?" under his breath.

"Did you hear what we just said?" Dwayne asked, confused at Hunter's reaction. 

"I'm sorry, what?" Hunter asked.

"He said that, she..." Shawn trailed off, so that Hunter would know who they're talking about. "... will be in town next week and we need to bring Ayla for a paternity test"

Hunter cleared his throat, nodding. "Very well"

Dwayne smiled, nodding. "I'll let you guys know when she's here and text you guys the details of the test" 

Shawn and Hunter stood up as soon as Dwayne stood up. They shook his hand and watched as Dwayne made his way out of Hunter's office. 

Shawn sighed for the hundredth time, turning his attention to Hunter who had a worried look on his face, almost as worried as Shawn himself was. 

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