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1.5 years ago

"Get out!" Vince McMahon yelled to his personal assistant who was taken aback by her boss's rage. She wasted no time in scooting out of his office, closing the door shut behind her as she heard things flying across the room.

Vince paced around his room, huffing in an attempt to control the urge to yell at the top of his lungs. He knocked down everything he could get ahold in his hands, releasing his anger upon reading the letter his PA just gave him. 

He walked towards the glass wall of his office, taking a cigarette out of his pocket, lighting it up. He pulled a deep breath in, huffing out smoke through his mouth.

He picked up the letter from the ground, rereading it. 

"To Vince: 

Ayla is back. And this time she's back for good. As Stephanie and I's eldest child. Like it or not, she's gonna live with us like the family that she is. I know what you did. So does Stephanie. And the rest of the family. Don't try to harm her or threaten her again or it will get ugly. Just remember, no one messes with my daughter.

Hunter Helmsley"

Vince crumpled the paper, holding it tight in his fist. The fact that Hunter had threatened him wasn't the biggest ick. It was that Ayla was back and she's got the whole family behind her back. He can't lose to her again. He just can't.

"I won't let you win this time, Ayla" Vince muttered under his breath.

He threw the paper to the ground and hurried to take his phone on the desk, dialing just the number he was looking for. 

"I've a job for you" Vince said as soon as the call was picked up.


Author's note: 

Hello everyone! I'm back with book 3! This prologue is just a rough scene of what's in stock for this new series. It's just a short one, but I think you'll love it. As you can see, Vince is not at all happy with Ayla's return after what happened in book 2. What do you think is gonna happen next? Stay tuned to find out. 

Signing out, 


(Date : 21/02/2024)

(Word count : 365 )

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