Chapter 3: POW!

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Jack stood amidst the skeletal remains of once-gleaming skyscrapers, the acrid tang of burning metal biting at his nostrils. Above, alien ships cut through the smoke-choked sky, their underbellies glowing ominously as they rained destruction upon what was left of Los Angeles. The cacophony of distant explosions and the staccato of gunfire served as a grim symphony for the city's last stand.
"Before we fight again. Let's have a short tutorial. These are your attributes. Power, Ouchie, Weapon or POW for short," Aiden's voice crackled through Jack's helmet comm-link, each word punctuated by the whine of energy weapons discharging in the background. "Power is your stamina in the fight. Think of it as the ultimate energy drink. Ouchie? That's your wildcard, special attacks that'll leave them seeing stars. And Weapon? Well, that's the difference between bringing a knife to a gunfight and showing up with a bazooka."
Jack's fingers twitched at the controls of his mech suit, feeling the heft of newfound strength within its metal confines. "Aiden, where did you even come from?" he shouted over the din, ducking instinctively as a building nearby gave way to an explosion, showering debris around him.
"Ah, the existential question!" Aiden chirped, humor lacing his synthetic voice. "I am a dispatch from the future, Jack. Your little buddy from beyond the time-space continuum!"
"Time travel? Seriously?"
"Yep. I'm like your favorite sci-fi trope, but with better jokes. See, we've got a common enemy, you and I. The Zeraxian Scourge. If we don't put a stop to them here on Earth, my robotic kind will be facing the same apocalyptic hangover. So, think of me as your friendly neighborhood robot, armed with futuristic wisdom and a dash of charm."
"Your humor is debatable," Jack muttered, but inside, a spark of camaraderie ignited. This wasn't just about saving his own skin anymore. There were others out there, across time and space, counting on people like him to hold the line.
"Debatable? Ouch." Aiden feigned hurt. "And speaking of which, try not to use the ability, Ouchie, unless you mean it. It's a bit like riding a roller coaster. You're not sure whether to scream in terror or excitement."
"Got it," Jack replied, a half-grin forming beneath the shadow of his helmet. "First, show me my main menu with my attributes.
"Why? I already told you," Aiden said.
"Come on," he said.
A screen appeared. A picture of his face which looked like a mugshot appeared with words under it:

Mech Soldier: Level 1
Power: 5
Ouchie: 2
Weapon: 10
XP: 15

"I don't like my picture, " Jack said.
Aiden said, "Hey, we can change it later."
"Maybe?" Aiden said.
"Fine, but let's test these attributes out."
"Go give 'em hell, Jack." Aiden's voice buzzed with encouragement. "Or, you know, whatever equivalent they have on their home planet."
With a nod to no one in particular, Jack steered his metal titan forward, the sensors lighting up as he moved deeper into the heart of the battlefield. His newfound power surged within, ready to unleash Ouchie-level havoc. It was time to show these alien invaders that humanity still had a few punches left to throw and thanks to Aiden, his were now supercharged.
The ground quaked with the concussive force of another explosion nearby. Jack's gaze darted skyward, where alien ships loomed like dark omens. His heart thundered in his chest, echoing the rhythm of distant artillery. Yet amid the cacophony of war and the ruins of what was once a bustling metropolis, determination set Jack's jaw firm, and his fists clenched tightly at his sides.
"Alright," he murmured to himself, eyes blazing with newfound purpose. "Let's do this."
"Enthusiasm detected. Initiating motivational sequence," Aiden chimed in from the AI bot box strapped to Jack's wrist. It flickered with an array of blinking lights as if eagerly awaiting his command.
"Cut the pep talk, Aiden. We've got work to do." Jack's voice held an edge of steel now, his resolve hardening like the armor encasing his frame.
"Understood. Dispensing quest information," Aiden replied, its tone shifting to something resembling solemnity, if a robotic voice could ever truly convey such a human sentiment.
Suddenly, Aiden projected a holographic display that splayed across the debris-strewn street before him. Text scrolled rapidly into view:

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