chapter 4

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**Author's POV:**

As Sarada's curiosity about the identity of UB intensified, she couldn't shake the feeling that Boruto might be the elusive author as what happened that night was only between the two of them. Their conversations, both in person and online, seemed to blur the lines between reality and fiction, leaving her questioning everything she thought she knew.

All this mess in her life made her super busy, the company had a new project to update the website visuals of Hatake shoping site and they've been over working day and night to complete the deadline.
Sarada couldn't even find the time to read anymore as when she reaches she'd go to bed straight.

Boruto hasn't been any different as a director of web editing department he had the most responsibilities to see the overall work they only had a week to finish all that work. He reviewed all the works without wasting a minute. After working hours, most skilled people in his team stayed overtime to help him review it all which included Mitsuki, chocho, shikadai and Sarada of course.

One evening, Sarada was at work under Mitsuki and Chocho accompanied them while Boruto and Shikadai were in the boss's office to discuss things.

"Sarada can you copy xyz file from Boruto's computer?" Sarada nodded and took the pen drive and  went to his desk to do what she was asked.

 while browsing through Boruto's computer files for work-related documents, Sarada stumbled upon a folder labeled 'Drafts.' Intrigued, she clicked on it, expecting to find project proposals or unfinished reports. Instead, what she found took her breath away.

Nested within the folder were manuscripts of stories bearing a striking resemblance to UB's writing style. The characters, the settings, the themes—it was as if she was reading the pages of a book penned by her favorite author. But what caught her eye the most was the name listed as the author: UB~

Her heart pounding in her chest, Sarada scrolled through the pages, her mind racing with disbelief. Could it be true? Could her stoic, enigmatic boss be the same person who had captured her imagination and stolen her heart with his words?

Despite what she saw that day she kept quiet and continued the work for the website. During this period Boruto stayed very close to her with every work as Mitsuki could alone handle others with Chocho. Not gonna lie Mitsuki and Cho made that type of 'both are smart asf' couple.

Even with being busy her mind would sometimes wander back to the secret she knew about UB's identity and that it made sense UB hasn't been updating for a week now.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Sarada, Boruto had been grappling with his own realization. Through their conversations on Wattpad, he had begun to piece together clues that pointed to Sarada as his devoted reader. The way she talked about UB's stories, the emotions she poured into her comments—it all seemed to align with the passion and admiration he had sensed from her since they first met.

As Sarada's suspicion grew, she couldn't shake the feeling that Boruto was hiding something from her. She started paying closer attention to his mannerisms, his expressions, searching for any sign that would confirm her suspicions.

They started spending more and more time together overtime while Mitsucho gave them full privacy using the other corner of the room for work. I mean they both wanted this idiot to flourish into a couple.

"Boruto why don't we all have a  dinner together today? Suggested Mitsuki.

"I wouldn't mind if the girls agree it's pretty late and better than to go home and eat alone" replied Boruto.

"I'm up and Sarada will go too" said Chocho

"Hmm let's go" Sarada said her eyes on her device.

"What are you looking at? Boyfriend?" Curiousity wash over Boruto as he watch her eyes fixed on her device.

HER THERAPY : BORUSARAWhere stories live. Discover now