chapter 2

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Author's pov :

When morning finally arrived, Sarada woke up feeling flustered and disoriented, her mind still consumed by the vivid images of the night before. She tried to shake off the remnants of her fantasies as she got ready for work, but they clung to her like a stubborn shadow, refusing to be cast aside.

As she made her way to the office, Sarada couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with apprehension. She knew she would see Mr. Uzumaki today, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine. Would he be able to sense the mischievous emotions that churned within her, or would he remain oblivious to the storm that raged beneath the surface?

Upon arriving at the office, Sarada tried her best to focus on her work, but her mind kept drifting back to Mr. Uzumaki and the tantalizing possibilities he represented. She stole glances at him whenever he was nearby, her heart racing at the mere sight of him. The magnetic pull she felt toward him was undeniable, drawing her closer with each passing moment.

Sarada's pov:

Oh my God what the hell is wrong with me, I shouldn't have read it last night, now whenever I'm seeing my hot boss all I can think of is oh no no stop thinking about that Sarada, stop it.

But I still took a look at him and I saw , Sumire approach his desk, I'm pissed why'd she have act like his girlfriend. He was reading a file or something she snatched it from his hands and said something, I can't hear, I can't hear bitch talk loud.

But by his expression he was clearly pissed , like he wanted go slap her off his sight. I didn't realise I was continuously staring at him making it very obvious to notice until I realised he was looking at me now.

His lips motioned, I guess telling her to get lost or something well yeah now she looked absolutely pissed off and started walking back to her desk.

I tried to act cool, I knew he he saw me stare at him like crazy and that one look of judging people. Shit why do I keep digging my own grave ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

*A week later*

It was another warm day and we all have been sitting in this room with Ac so long yet still it's too hot in here
I have been working on a different project than the others and my partner was Chocho and that sumire has been giving us orders to do it how she wants it to be  like. She was really a bad one, I guess she hated me personally. I don't know why but she has been giving me extra work everyday.

My eyes exactly moved in the direction of my hot director he was busy with his work, his hands moving from the keyboard to the file next to him then to hold his pen and write something on a note. Damn! He's hot.
I feel sick in the brain at how many times already I've called him hot.

I was staring at him straight like there aren't peole around or if he didn't had eyes, since he had eyes he turned his gaze to me, our eyes met for a split second and I turned away scared at how many times he had caught me staring at him.

I saw him getting up from his desk and approaching the staff's desk side , most probably me , oh no he saw me he saw me stare.

Before he passed from my desk he slipped a lavender coloured sticky note on the desk, "Stay after work, for the next lesson" I read.

So I'm having my happy time with my hottie again yuhoo!!! But wait what if all those creepy thoughts I have about him comes on floating. It would a shit of time then.

When he was out Mitsuki used to handle and look over the team and all the works, he assigned me to write product descriptions for about 200 products. I looked at the copy in my hands with a sighI started working my ass.

HER THERAPY : BORUSARAWhere stories live. Discover now