Unsaid plans and a cavalry battle

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It took a while for them to finally realise how they felt.

Surprisingly, he has never been openly hated like this in his lifetime. Probably because he spent most of that time with people who can't say they haven't done something on a similar scale. Somehow he didn't stop smiling, however even the densest of 1A could see how strained it was. Izuku was glad he knew no one at all from his mortal days was around, it would break him and them to see what have become of him.

To say Aizawa was mad would be an understatement. He watched as Nezu repeatedly singled out one of his students for the sake of entertainment. Even though Hizashi was also contributing, he knew Nezu was the one to blame since he sends them analysis periodically for them to comment on. Sadly Hizashi's mouth has always been ahead of his brain. Anyway, Aizawa sits there fuming watching the crowd boo his student. He is 60% sure that Midoryia isn't letting the crowd bother him and he is 90% sure the crowd does not know that Izuku is immortal. So technically he is watching how people are booing a literal child.

"A CAVALRY BATTLE. AND MR FIRST PLACE IS WORTH ONE MILLION POINTS!" Midnight's voice was surprisingly loud and caught everyone's attention.  The crowd has been temporarily distracted by the competition continuing.

Izuku likes to think he taught 1A teamwork so well that he forgot that he himself needed a team. Now among themselves they all have a pretty good idea of who they work well with. Sadly Hagakure, Koda and Satou (surprisingly) did not make it past the first round. He was suprised when he saw Ojiro team up with some random people, he had a small inkling of suspicion that a quirk was at play.

"Mei Hatsume of future Hatsume Enterprises the next big tech giant of Japan wait the world." A girl with pink dreadlocks held her hand out towards him, he noticed she had multiple bits of machinery none of which he knows what it does.

"Izuku Midoryia, villain on probation and in desperate need of teammates." He gave her a smile and took her hand.

"I can think of so many babies I could make with you~" Izuku immediately retracted his hand and stepped away.

Izuku could think of two ways to escape her advances one way was to openly display his sexuality or he could say he is old enough to be her grandpa's grandpa.

"Wait no not that kind of baby." She pulls out some kind of metal contraption and say "THIS BABY!"

Izuku internally sighs of course he attracts the crazy ones.
"Welcome to the team." Thankfully no one recruited Uraraka yet, if given time she would have been chosen. She happily agreed to be on their team despite Hatsume's questionable choice of words.

"We need one more person" and luckily for her there was someone else Izuku had his eye on. Luckily for them all those Tokoyami planned to go with either went with someone else or got eliminated. He was open to the idea of joining them.

"What's the plan Midoriya?" Tokoyami did not want to take his chances asking the pink haired girl, he was slightly afraid of her she's been eyeing dark shadow for a while.

"We keep our a million point headband and if the opportunity presents itself we take one. And Luckily for you we have three people who can find a way to fly." Izuku smiled again, not to reassure them but to stop himself from falling into the downwards spiral he likes to call despair which leads to alot of more issues he should probably talk about. It seems the crowd has gotten to him a bit more than he would have liked.


Izuku really wished he made up some shit about being unable to sit on people's shoulders about age and all. The others all agreed it would be best if it was him, he did have the best offensive power after all. He was wearing a jet pack, and Uraraka was wearing jet boots. She used her quirk to make them all weightless. Dark shadow was out looking around, Tokoyami already briefed him on what they needed to do.

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