40. I Don't Wanna Know All Your Secrets Cause I'll Tell

Start from the beginning

"Sure. Have fun." I faked a small smile and he leaned in kissing my cheek, then taking his drink and following Kayla over to the pool table. Folio followed with his date wanting to play too.

I sat with Bryan, Angela, and Nick, keeping a close watch on Kayla and Noah across the bar.
They were sure doing a lot of laughing and I hated it.

Bryan and Angela decided to go get another round of drinks, leaving me with a very drunk Nick. He was slowly starting to nod off at the table, sitting up, but his shoulders hunched. I giggled a bit, never seeing him this drunk before and I tapped him gently on the arm.

"Ruffilo!" I shouted and snapped a few times in front of his face to wake him up.

"Stay with me buddy!" I joked. He opened his eyes. Barely, but they were still open.

"Oh shit-" he slurred. "Where is errybody?" He questioned and hiccuped a bit.

I giggled a little noticing he was slightly cross-eyed, feeling bad he was definitely going to be regretting this in the morning.

"Playing pool and getting drinks. I think you're done for the night though. I've been babysitting you for about 20 minutes now and you seem to be getting drunker by the second. All the shots are catching up to you." I giggled.

"Babysitter?" He hiccuped. "I don't need a babysitter." He slouched back into the booth to rest his head. "You need to babysit Noah instead." He chuckled drunkenly.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I smiled at him debating on recording him just to troll him tomorrow in the group chat we had with everyone.

"Cuz...errryyyone knows they used to fuck." He trailed off, his eyes closing again. My stomach dropped, wondering if he was just talking stupidly from the alcohol. My heart started thumping through my chest nervously as my hands trembled.

"What are you saying Nick...he said you guys all used to be friends."

Nick hiccuped then laughed tiredly. "You dont get fucked up and stop eating for months after a friend breaks up with you dude." His eyes closed again and it only took a few moments before he was clearly passed out again. I could have sworn my heart was shattering into pieces with each rapid pulse. Noah lied to me.

When I looked back at the pool table, I noticed Folio and his date high five watched, clearly the winners. I saw Kayla take out a pack of cigarettes from inside her bra.


She said something to Noah and I saw her step out back, and him following. I felt sick to my stomach and stood up, rushing to the bathroom. I was in there for a little bit, throwing up from the occasional baby nausea, but my nerves were also now absolutely shot.

After I was done getting sick, I went and rinsed my mouth out and used a wet paper towel to gently blot my hot forehead. The bathroom door swung open and I was relieved to see Angela, who came to check on me.

"Are you okay sweetie?"

"Uhm...not really." I confessed and my eyes watered feeling so betrayed by Noah's fabrications. He really made it seem like him and Kayla were friends from the past, but he left out the very important fact that they slept together.

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