Chapter 14

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The screen started playing again, and showed a camp of some sorts. Russia stood, with his green, red and golden uniform in front of new recruits. His gaze was stern as he observed them.

The trainees all cowered under his glare, exept one: he stood in the back, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes.

He was one of the last soldiers taht Russia talked to, but surely one of the bravest. As Russia approached him the young man kept his glaze stern. He stared at him with no fear, almost challenging him.

"What's your name, comrade?" Russia's flawless English was odd for all of them. "Ivan Petrov. You might have heard of my father. Artyom".

Russia seemed surprised by such security from such young man. "Its 'sir' to you, Artyomovich"

Russia turned around, but with the corner of his eye saw Petrov send a glare at him. The video fast-forwarded to the moment that Russia described in his diary.

He was walking through Moscow, looking at different shop windows and generally being happy. He stopped to read a sign over the door of a store, when someone exited and bumbed into him.

Russia fell down and looked up at the other person. He was extremely tall (no wonder he made such usually big man trip over) and had a strong build.

Russia looked at him in the eyes at the man returned. He had bright blue eyes and a percing glare that sent a shiver down his spine. The man offered his hand for him to get up and Russia accepted

He wobbly got up and looked him in the eyes again, that had somehow gone blood red. He glanced at his hair that had turned white and his face that displayed his national flag.

The man extend his hand for Russia to shake, and in that split second that Russia adverted his gaze the man went back to normal.

"Привет, Ivan Braginski" He shook his hand "Привет. I apologize. Goodbye". The man left in a hurry, leaving Russia confused at his oddness. He shook it off and continued on his way as the screen turned to black.

Again, given the absence of any comment, the video continued.

This time, the setting was in an open field, with columns of soldiers marching. Their uniforms were navy blue, and easily recognizable by all the countries that had fought them.

Napoleon's army marched with confidence, with a few horsemen keeping them in check. The man himself was in front, followed dutifully by his soldiers.

The 'camera' panned over to the back, where France was unceremoniously laying on his horse's back and neck, clearly tired and bored.

"Oi" He felt the side of a sword slap his back. He sat up and let out as quiet "OW!" and glared at the man next to him.

He wasn't able to recognize his face, but nonetheless, he whisper-shouted a "WHAT?!"

"Shouldn't be slacking off Bonnefoy. You never know when the enemy might attack"

"I wasn't slacking"

"It looked like you were. And I'm never incorrect"

France scoffed at his colleagues presumption and ego. He rolled his eyes and looked him in the face. "Who even are you?"

The man seemed offended at such question, but responded with "Calling me Léandre will do just fine. Bonnefoy" He glared at France as he said his name, making the blond roll his eyes again.

"And what would your last name be, Monsieur Léandre?" He added as much teasing and annoyance to his sentence as he could, and it seemed like Léandre had received all of it.

"Don't make fun of me, Bonnefoy. I could get your head chopped just with a snap of my fingers"

France laughed under his breath at this, and Léandre didn't seem to take it well. He diverted his horse's path to go to the side of the marching formation and quickly reached the front.

Léandre got next to the average-height-for-the-time-emperor and whispered something to him. France could clearly see half of Léandre's face from the back, wich was proudly displaying a smirk.

Other than that, he noticed his black hair go white, his eye turn red and the side of his face dark blue.

France blinked a few times, squinted, and looked at him again: black hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

The video ended once more, the lights turned back on and the curtains opened.

"So" America started "I guess we can all say that we've met some strange people"

Absolutely zero willpower to proofread this so if something's weird tell me ig

I was also planning on doing Q&A/question and dare and idk

757 words

May 18th 2024

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