Chapter 12

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America had been put safely to sleep, then they all had a chat in the kitchen wile cooking, and had finally all gone to bed.

The morning after, they all woke up pretty late, including Germany. The first one up was Canada, as he had napped the previous evening wile America was busy getting drunk. He changed, did bathroom stuff and wrote a little note saying that we was exploring.

He put the paper on his bed and left the room. He started walking around the palace, taking some time to find his objective: the kitchen.

Once he got there he started writing down all the ingredients that he needed for his recipe, just to be sure, and started searching.

Everytime he found an ingredient he ticked it off from the list, and slowly he was done.

He double checked, just to make sure:

Now that he was a 100% sure, he started baking.

It didn't take him long to make the pancakes, but sadly, couldn't find Maple Syrup ANYWHERE. He gave up, and instead got some chocolate, crushed it up and put it in a tiny pot to make it melt.

In the meantime, he started preparing pancake portions, taking into account how much everyone ate. And, by the time that he was done, the chocolate was liquefied.

He poured it over the pancakes, putting more on his own of course, and looked at the extra chocolate remaining. He nonchalantly took a spoon and ate the remaining amount.

He then put everything on the cart, grabbed some silverware and started going upstairs to the dining room.

Once he arrived, he put the plates and cutlery at the table and went to go wake up the others.

He safely made it back to the bedrooms and knocked on France's door. He of course got no answer, so he simply opened (And got permanently traumatized- :D).

France was lying on the edge of the bed, for once clothed, sleeping like a rock. Canada slowly approached him and tapped his shoulder. "Papa?"





"AHH-" France got startled and 'graciously' fell off the bed. Canada offered a hand, and his father accepted.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to"

"Don't worry mon cadeau, it's ok" Canada smiled at his father. "Anyways, I made pancakes, could you wake up the others for me?"

France didn't even hesitate "Of course! Just let me get changed first, oui?" Canada nodded, and so France went off to get ready for the day.

France kept his small promise and woke everyone up, and they all went for breakfast. Except Romano, who no one knew where his bedroom was, so they sorta left him there ig. Jk Romano woke up soon after and joined them.

He was clearly exhausted, but it's not like America was doing any better.

They were all eating in silence, wich Canada took as them enjoying their breakfast. After finishing they all returned to the livingroom for more trauma-sharing 🥰.

This time, Germany picked up the book, and waited for everybody else to be seated. He started reading. "Romano and Italy both have the same fears of rejection and abandonment, but they differ in the way they cope with it: Italy surrounds himself with friends so he'll never be alone, while Romano pushes everyone away to keep from getting hurt"

"Vee~ being all alone is scary. I don't like that..... It reminds me of many scary things...." Italy hugged Germany's side and looked down.

Gotta love the dramatic dot dot dot

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