Chapter 8

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France started reading again "All nations can have children, but most don't manage to live past eleven, let alone make it to adulthood."

For most of the countries there, family was a sensitive topic. They had all fallen in love with a mortal at one point or another, and gave in to their desires, some less than others, but they all ended up heartbroken.

Out of the blue, the room around them darkened and the curtains were pulled. An insignificant amount of light penetrated from under the doors, but they could still see well enough. A black sort-of-screen appeared in front of the curtains.

They were all alert, until France told them to calm down and that there was a small postscriptum, stating that they were, occasionally, going to watch some snippets of their lives.

Authorized stalking if you want.

They calmed down, but they still weren't enthusiastic about having to watch a litteral video of another's past. The countries that needed too turned around, and so the video started.

The first thing that they saw was a baby girl, peacefully resting in her crib. No one seemed uncomfortable or sad and the video continued.

Suddenly, a pair of arms extend to gently and carefully grab the baby and put her up to their chest. The person, most likely a man, gently rocked the baby and sweetly caressed her hair.

He spoke in a softly, trying to wake up his daughter. The voice was slightly different, yet recognizable to all ten of them "Wake up little cookie, it's time for you to eat"

America, who was up until that moment comfortably sprawled across the armchair, had now retracted to a more fetal position, with his arms crossed.

The video still went on, and the 'other' America was still trying to wake up the baby, now calling her Charlotte and sounding more agitated. He eventually got up from his chair, holding the baby, calling for 'Annie' and running out of the room as the scene faded off to black.

America had tears threatening to spill from his eyes, but he tried not to show. Japan cautiously approached and awkwardly hugged him in an attempt to comfort his maybe-not-just-best friend. America pulled an already flustered Japan on his lap and squeezed him tightly.

The video continued, now still showing America, two little boys with a couple of years of distance between each other, and the aforementioned Annie.

They were all eating out, probably at a Saloon and the older boy, Davie, was refusing to eat. His mother was trying to get him to take a few bites out of his mashed potatoes, but he wouldn't budge.

Annie sighed and looked over at America in a silent plea for assistance. Wanting to help, he put down his fork and looked at his son. "Hey, why don't you want to eat? You love this". The boy looked at him but didn't respond.

America sighed and leaned on his left arm, showing off his wedding ring to the 'camera'.

"Hey Davie" The boy looked up at him again. "Y'know that if you don't eat your food, you'll be forever as short as your brother?"

Off screen, Annie chuckled and Alfred spared a glance at her.

Davie seemed to take his father's statement seriously, made a concentrated and determined face that looked much like Alfred's and nodded.

America patted his head "Just don't eat too fast, okay?" Davie nodded, grabbed his fork and gingerly started eating.

He was just about to finish his beans when he started choking. America and Annie tried to help him, but he kept on coughing.

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