.10. Zaxen/Asia

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Twenty nine to twenty eight years ago

"Are you really doing this a week before the twin's birthday?" Marvin asked, swallowing the blood in his mouth as he followed Asia around the house he paid for

Asia continued to move around, packing things since she wanted to get as far away as she could from Marvin. Marvin had pulled Asia's last straw once she had returned from work to see Marvin whooping the twins for playing 'too loud'.

"Go handle your mouth." Asia told him, knowing that she had just busted his bottom lip in two different spots.

"Can we talk about this?" Marvin asked as he held his mouth.

"We have nothing to talk about. You really almost had me fooled." Asia laughed as she put all of the twin's clothes into her duffle bag.

"I was disciplining them, I swear." Marvin begged as he tried to grab her hand.

Asia snatched her hand back and pointed her finger in his face while giving him a deadly glare.

"Keep your hands off of me unless you want the same thing done to your top lip." Asia warned him before she continued to pack.

"I'm sorry but baby listen, they were being too loud while I was handling business. I told them to be quie-" Marvin began.

"They have a playroom here for a reason. You begged us to come to the house once it was built to move in, I said no. You begged us to stay the night and see how we like it, I said yes. You asked if I was comfortable with you disciplining them when we lived together and I said not until I'm comfortable. You asked us to go back and forth, I said yes. That was about three months ago so why would I come home to you whooping them for playing loud in a playroom designed for them to be loud!?" Asia asked as she pushed past him.

"I only did it one time!" Marvin said as he followed her

"One time? That's a lie. Fendi instantly said no when I asked if it was the first time. Lord knows how many times you touched them, since they can't comprehend that well at a young age, when I specifically told you not to. You are not their father, we don't live with you and we aren't married Marvin." Asia told him as she grabbed the rest of her bags from the front door and took them outside to her car.

Marvin sighed in frustration as he followed her. "When are you coming back?"

"Never" Asia told him as she packed the last bag in the car and shut the door.

"What? You're going to let our relationship go over something so small like this? Baby, I promise I won't fuck up again." Marvin begged.

"Something small?" Asia asked.

"Small!?" Asia asked again.

"Yeah, it's not that big" Marvin shrugged.

Asia rolled her eyes and shook her head as she opened the driver door to her car. "I'm glad to know that the wellbeing and mental state of my boys are small to you. I know exactly where we stand."

"That's not what I me-" Marvin began

Without letting Marvin get another word in, Asia got into the car with the twins and pulled out from Marvin's driveway. Marvin watched as the car sped away, mad at himself inside.

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