.9. Zaxen/Asia

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Twenty nine years ago

"Come on Fargo, that's enough candy" Asia yelled as she pulled her two year old son away from the candy aisle of the store.

"More!" Fendi yelled behind his twin brother before both of them went hands in to the shelf in front of them.

"I said no! Move those sticky fingers and let's go" Asia told them as she put the candy back and pulled the twins away.

"Mama!" Fargo began to cry out as he tried to snatch away from Asia while jumping in place.

"No! If both of you don't get right, I'm going to tell Marvin to take all of your birthday toys away." Asia explained, causing both boys to straighten up at the mention of their step father's name.

"Please?" Fendi begged as he poked his small lip out.

"No, we can't afford it right now. Wait till after your birthday, let's go." Asia told them.

"Hey, not to intrude or anything but I'd be more than happy to pay for whatever they want." Asia looked up at the sound of the voice, seeing a nice built man standing in front of her.

" Asia looked up at the sound of the voice, seeing a nice built man standing in front of her

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Asia gave a small smile as she shook her head. "Thank you but no thanks. They've had more than enough candy for the week." She told him.

"I promise, it's no hassle. I'm happy to pay for it." The man tried again.

"I'm sorry sir but I don't know you and my man wouldn't like that I allowed another man to buy candy for my boys." Asia told him

"Your boys? So I assume he isn't the father?" The man asked.

"That isn't any of your business" Asia rolled her eyes.

The man threw his hands up in defense. "My bad, let's start over. My name is Brick, can I be so kind to buy two kids some candy so their beautiful mother doesn't have to be stressed out while grocery shopping?" He smirked while stretching out his hand for her to shake

"No thank you." Asia said as she looked down at his hand and pushed her cart around him.

"Come on boys." Asia called out to the twins.

Brick watched as she walked away, shaking his head and wondering how a beautiful woman could turn him down so easily.

"Aye" Brick stopped one of the children.

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