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Ciaraa bounced her leg under the table as she waited for everyone to arrive. Today was the day that she decided to let Aaron meet Fargo so there would be no wondering on her side. Summer loved Fargo as much as her mother did and Ciaraa didn't see Fargo going anywhere. With a new baby on the way, she had to get this meet and greet over with as soon as possible.

"Wassup beautiful." Fargo greeted as he approached the table and leaned down to give Ciaraa a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey moo." Ciaraa smiled as he sat next to her.

Fargo leaned back over to kiss her lips and sit a gift bag on the table before he picked up the menu and looked over it. Ciaraa smirked as she looked inside the gift bag and took out the gift box. She opened the box up the reveal a sparkling tennis bracelet.

"Aww, thank you baby." Ciaraa smiled as she leaned over to kiss him again.

"No problem. I've seen you looking for some new ones online, that's only the first one." Fargo smirked as he returned the kiss.

Ciaraa knew the prep talks that they had placed Fargo in a calm tone but she didn't know how long his calmness would last with her smart mouthed baby father.

"Did you pick this place or him?" Fargo asked as he looked around.

"I chose it, why?" Ciaraa asked.

Fargo shrugged. "Just asking. You know that I don't like being around so many uptight people."

Ciaraa laughed as she shook her head. "Ignore them. Today is about us."

"Order whatever you want, I'll pay for everything." Fargo told her, causing Ciaraa to smile.

A few minutes passed by as the couple enjoyed small talk while looking over the menus before Aaron finally entered the restaurant.

A few minutes passed by as the couple enjoyed small talk while looking over the menus before Aaron finally entered the restaurant

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"Sorry, I'm late. Hey." Aaron greeted before he took a seat at the table.

Aaron reached across the table to shake Ciaraa's hand but was left holding his hand out as he turned to Fargo. Fargo looked dowm at Aaron's hand before back at his face and giving him a nod.

"Wassup." Fargo said before looking back at the menu.

Aaron pulled his hand back with a light chuckle before he picked up his own menu to look over. The waiter soon came by to take drink and food orders before leaving the table alone again.

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