I reached over and had some of my drink before continuing.

"The parents mostly talked, catching up and having a laugh. But yoongi hardly spoke he was very quiet and quite reserved.. he intrigued me.. the parents thought we would get on great and because I was attending the same school as him it would be nice to know someone. But that wasn't the case. Yoongi had his own group of friends. I was the foreign girl, and everyone picked on me, yoongi never actually said anything bad, but he laughed along with everyone else. Until one day at lunch break when something happened and i got pushed over by the schools biggest jackass.. yoongi stepped in. But I just walked away from him because I couldn't understand why he suddenly cared.. but from the few interactions i had seen over the few days the parents got together, i liked him, i wanted to know more about him, but that would never happen. he visited me that night and we became friends.. we told each other quite a bit about ourselves. Now, for a couple of years, my friends back home were all about getting boyfriends, but that never bothered me. Not until that night, yoongi opened up about himself. I mean, he was cute too, I fell for him instantly, but I knew he would never feel the same.. so I didn't say anything. i just wanted him in my life. So I kept up the ruse of not wanting a boyfriend. I wasn't ready for it, and yoongi was too focused on school and his underground rapping. But we hung out all the time after that night and kind of became best friends. His group of friends accepted me, too. Then we welcomed nari into the small group of us because she got with yoongi friend chun-jae.. a few months later, she was the only girl friend I had made here up until I started this job with the other stylists. But yoongi over the next year and a half kept the boys at bay because as far as he knew, I didn't want a boyfriend.. but I did. I wanted him. He'd wrap me in his arms. We would hug and stuff he would even kiss my head sometimes. Some even thought we were together the way we acted. And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with him but still never said anything. We moved over here because he wanted to become an idol, and I moved here with Mum and kwan when they got offered their job at the new company. We had future plans of attending the same college etc. But four months before everything happened, I told nari everything, and she said I needed to tell him how I felt. As I may lose him eventually to someone else and I knew I had to."

I took another drink, but namjoon never once interrupted he just listened.

"A week before I left. You were all practising, and I messaged yoongi to see if he would meet me afterwards. He agreed, and I had a couple of glasses of wine to pluck up the courage to tell him. It was gone 10 pm before he knocked on my door. I sat him down and told him exactly how I felt. He never spoke, just sat there. Of course, I panic and tell him it's ok if he needs time to process it.. then he can.. I mean, I wasn't expecting him to say the same thing to me.. or maybe let me down there and then. But he just said ok, and then he got up and left, I went to bed that evening hoping to hear from him the next day like I normally did. But nothing. Or the day after that and for that whole week, namjoon, I never heard a single thing from him he never said I'm sorry. I don't feel the same, nothing. No calls, no texts, no house calls, nothing. And I regretted telling him, I should have known that first day of not hearing anything that I had lost my best friend, because that wasn't yoongi to not do anything. I could have messaged him first, but I wanted to give him time. Then, after the week of not hearing anything, there was the party, and of course, I knew he was there. I saw him talking to you and hobi.. I had a few drinks alone at the bar, not wanting to join even though you asked me to come along. But I couldn't because we still hadn't spoken and it was awkward, what was i supposed to say. But then I saw that girl all over him. So I went and confronted him because why would he do that when he knew how I felt and hadn't even told me how he felt by turning me down.. I thought that being his best friend, I would get at least a little curtesy, but no, so I confronted him.. I needed to know why he had ignored me after being together for three years nearly every day." I shook my head. "Do you know what he said?"

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