I slip on my shoes and grab the doorknob. "I'm going to the park! I'll be back in a bit!" I yell. 

I don't bother waiting for an answer and just open the door and leave. As soon as I'm not in view of the house I light one of my cigarettes and inhale deeply. 

Thankfully my earbuds and phone are in my pocket so I put my earbuds in and listen to music as I walk to the park. 

After a few minutes of walking, I reach my destination and start walking towards the pond. 

There are a few people walking with their dogs or just running by themselves so I make sure to avoid them. 

When I got to the pond I sat on one of the benches and watched the ducks swim around the pond while I smoked. It was a very calming place to just think. 

Time skip brought to you by the angst later in this chapter. 

Around forty minutes and two cigarettes later I was ready to go home. I can only get so many dirty looks from people before I want to leave. 

I stand up and stretch before walking back the way I came. I haven't been gone too long so Phil shouldn't be worried. 

When I get to the house I remember that I smell like smoke and that I would probably get questioned if Phil smelled said smoke. 

Well shit. 

I can't ask Tommy to cover for me again, he definitely isn't in the mood to distract Phil.. 

I'll just sneak in and hope Phil doesn't notice me. 

But I can't exactly just climb into my window because someone would definitely think that's suspicious and probably call the cops.. 

Eh I'll just go through the front door it'll be finnnneee 

I walk up to the door and slowly open it. No Phil on the couch. 

He's probably in the kitchen or upstairs then. 

I slowly step inside and quietly make my way up the stairs. The left side of the stairs always creeks if you step on them, something I learned while living here, so I make sure to stay on the right side. 

When I make it to the top I peak around the corner and no sight of Phil. I let out a quiet breath of relief and walked down the hallway. 

Just as I passed Tommy's room, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I froze. 

"Welcome home Will, why do you smell like smoke?" 

I didn't have to turn around to know it was Phil. 

"Uh hi." I quickly came up with an excuse. "A guy was smoking next to me so that's why I smell like smoke." 

I could feel my body shaking. 

Well this is the end for me, rest in peace Wilbur Soot. 

"Don't lie to me Wilbur." 

I turned around to face him. "I'm not lying!" 

His brows were furrowed, his arms were crossed, and he looked upset. 

He held out his hand and said, "give them here." 

I stared at him in disbelief. "I don't sm-" 

"Wilbur this isn't up for debate, I know you smoked, now hand over the cigarettes." 

I waited for a moment to tell if he was serious or not then groaned and pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket then dropped them in Phil's hand. 

"There. Happy?" 

The Final Home? //Wilbur Adoption Au//Where stories live. Discover now