651 24 77

 Tw underage smoking, mentions of drug use, mention of suicide attempt, mention of offering drugs to a minor, mentions of past abuse

(I love writing about traumatized minors)

Wilbur's pov

I walk towards the duo sitting under the tree. When I reach them I sit next to Quackity.

"Wilbur!" Niki exclaims happily. She gets up and hugs me then sits down in her original spot. Her eyes drop to the lighter than I'm fiddling with. "How many?" She asks.

"What?" I look at her confused.

"You know what I mean, how many today?"

I look at her very confused. Quackity notices my confusion and whispers, "She's talking about cigarettes. Remember she used to do this constantly to monitor your smoking."

"Oh, um I think four or five, not too many," I tell Niki

"Okay, not the best considering we're only halfway through the day, how many in the past week?"

"Oh um," I pull my pack out of my pocket to check, "Uhh 36, 37, 38... 38!" (I counted so that's the actual number. I think..)

"Wilbur! That's almost 2 packs in a week! Alright, hand them over." She put out her hand, waiting for me to put them in her hand.

"What! No don't make me, Niki come on! I'm not a little kid! I can handle myself!" I whine.

"Well, obviously you can't now hand them over."

I mutter something unintelligible and hand her the almost-empty pack of cigarettes. "Thank you," she turns to Quackity, "how many did he buy from you last time?" she asks.

"Hey don't bring me into this!" She doesn't say anything and just stares at him smiling. I look into his eyes silently pleading not to tell her, knowing what would happen if he did. "Will, I'm sorry," he quickly whispers, "he bought five last time." He quickly tells her.

"Traitor!" I whisper-yell.

Niki turns to me, "I expect three more packs in my hand tomorrow at school, Will."

"But whyyyy."

"Wilbur, if I don't see three more packs in my hand, unopened, tomorrow, I will show up at your house and get them myself."

"Okay..." I say sadly. I sniff and wipe a fake tear from my face.

"You're so dramatic." she laughed, "Anyways, what have you guys been up to?"

"I've been hanging out with Schlatt a lot. I'm surprised I got here without him." Quackity tells us.

Niki starts talking about her Spanish lessons and how she's getting better. Q lays his head on my shoulder and I start playing with his hair.

Time skip brought to you by my lack of planning

"Niki please!" I whined. "Just one! I won't ask for any more! I promise!"

"No Wilbur! No means no!"

I looked at her with my best puppy eyes but she just looked away and told me no. "I just want one! That's all! Only two are in the pack; they're gonna fall out and get lost!" I pouted and tried to convince Niki to give me at least one cigarette.

"That's the point! There would be more in there if your smoking hadn't gotten bad again! How'd it even get so bad again? I wasn't gone for that long!" She was scolding me.

The Final Home? //Wilbur Adoption Au//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora